
Friday, June 29, 2012

Back to work

Dear friends, here I am back from our vacation. We went by car to Italy, spent there 5 days at the Adriatic Sea and than 3 days of Wienne. It was more like a resting vacation, quite new for us, used to travel from place to place, no more than 3 days in one place. Here are a few pictures from our holiday.
Dragi prieteni, iata-ma inapoi din vacanta noastra. Am plecat cu masina in Italia, am stat 5 zile la Marea Adriatica si apoi 3 zile la Viena. A fost mai mult un concediu decat o calatorie, destul de nou pentru noi, obisnuiti sa umblam din loc in loc, fara sa stam mai mult de 3 zile intr-un singur loc.

I visited Sisi museum and found out a lot of interesting things. Here is a picture from the museum with a linen square (1 square meter). They used to arrange towels in this way (I thought to origami when I saw this).
Am vizitata muzeul Sisi la Viena si am aflat o multime de lucruri interesante. Iata o poza din muzeu cu o bucata de panaza de un metru patrat. Asa aranjau prosoapele (m-a dus cu gandul la origami).

Another interesting thing was the idea that every archduke from the House of Hapsburg had to learn a craft. Quilling helped me develop a lot of qualities, I imagine the royal house knew the importnace of doing something with your hands and mind.
Inca ceva interasant a fost pentru mine ideea ca fiecare arhiduce din casa Hapsburgilor trebuia sa invete o indeletnicire (craft). Datorita quillingului am devenit mai buna si am dobandit multe calitati, Imi imaginez ca si casa regala cunostea avantajele unei preocupari care sa foloseasca mintea si mainile.

Sending you smiles,

Va trimit zambete,

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I`m living a fairy tale

Hello dear friends! After a long time I came with this post. Number tables - purple and green. They were a great, beautiful challenge :) This order also brought a special connection with the bride - a stranger became friend through phone discutions... How magic life can be!

Salut dragi prieteni! Dupa o gramada de vreme am aparut in sfarsit cu acest post. Numere de masa - mov si verde. Au fost o provocare minunata :) Aceasta comanda a adus cu ea o legatura mai speciala cu mireasa - m-am imprietenit astfel prin convorbiri telefonice cu o necunoscuta... Cat de magica poate fi viata!

Wishing you fabulous summer days,

Va doresc niste zile de vara nemaipomenite,