Mai este doar o saptamana pana la Martisorul nostru drag. E o zi speciala pentru mine. Intotdeauna imi aminteste de copilarie. Imi aminteste de ghiocei si de plimbarile cu tata prin padure, in cautarea lor. Si mai ales ziua de 1 Martie imi aminteste de prima zi din viata mea cand am avut o stare eterica, imi aminteste de o prima zi in care am simtit ca este ceva special in aer... O stare de bine inexplicabila. Nu eram indragostita. Abia ce ajunsesem acasa de la scoala, eram singura, aveam vreo 10 ani si dintr-o data m-a cuprins o stare de bucurie. Venise de nicaieri. Imi face asa de bine sa-mi amintesc acea stare, iar cand vine martisorul parca imi e si mai accesibila.
One week separates us from the 1st of March. Such a special day, always reminds me of childhood. It reminds about snowdrops and walks in the forest with my father. And most of all that day reminds me about the first day I felt something special was in the air... My first good, special mood. I`ve got home from school, I was alone, the sun was stronger and I felt something like a huge happiness. No, I wasn`t in love. That mood striked me (in a good sense) because it came from nowhere and had no real reason. I was around 10. It was special. And I enjoy remembering that mood, and when the 1st of March arrives it`s even easier to live it again.
Bun. Acum ca am terminat cu partea mai literara (ma stiti deja cu pasiunea mea pentru scris) sa trecem la lucruri serioase. Am facut un buchet de ghiocei pe care abia am astept sa vi-l arat. Mie imi place asa de mult!!!
Ok. Now that I`m done with literary aspects (you know I enjoy writing) let`s talk about serious things. Here is a snowdrop bouquet I`ve made. I just couldn`t waited and wanted to show it as soon as possible. I`ve made it today. Quick pictures and here it is!
Mi-am dorit o vaza mai speciala pentru poze, dar nu am avut asa ca am luat ce mi-a fost la indemana. Prefer cana bej, dar imi place mult si paharul. Voua care va place mai mult?
I wanted a special vase for the pictures but didn`t have it so I used what was around. I prefer the beige pot but I admit the glass looks great too. Which one do you prefer?
Invitatii pentru nunta, felicitari, flori din hartie si multe alte minunantii. Si putin din placerea mea de a scrie. Asta veti gasi pe blogul meu. Unique wedding invitations, special cards, paper flowers and other beauties. And a little bit from my passion for writing. This is what you`ll find on my blog. CONTACT:
Friday, February 22, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
Everyday is a Journey
Fara quilling azi :) Sunt niste felicitari care asteapta sa le public asa ca nu le mai pot tine ascunse. Acest mesaj ma face sa ma simt atat de bine de fiecare data cand il citesc. Si imi place din ce in ce mai mult sa ma joc cu aceste bucati printate. Imi place sa combin mesaje tiparite impreuna cu alte elemente astfel incat la final felicitarea sa aiba un aspect hand-made.
Pentru acestea am folosit tus distress, sfoara, stampile, nasturi si margele. Ca intotdeauna, imi ador creatiile! Si incerc sa imi imaginez cum se simt oamenii cand primesc felicitari ca acestea.
No quilling for today :) I have some cards that are waiting to appear here so I can`t let them wait anymore. This message makes me feel so good everytime I read it. And I enjoy more and more playing with these printed pieces of paper. I like to use printed messages together with other elements so that the final card will a have a clear hand-made touch.
For these ones I used distress ink, hemp, stamps, buttons, beads and brads. Like always, I love them all! And I imagine the way people feel when receive cards like these ones.
Pentru acestea am folosit tus distress, sfoara, stampile, nasturi si margele. Ca intotdeauna, imi ador creatiile! Si incerc sa imi imaginez cum se simt oamenii cand primesc felicitari ca acestea.
No quilling for today :) I have some cards that are waiting to appear here so I can`t let them wait anymore. This message makes me feel so good everytime I read it. And I enjoy more and more playing with these printed pieces of paper. I like to use printed messages together with other elements so that the final card will a have a clear hand-made touch.
For these ones I used distress ink, hemp, stamps, buttons, beads and brads. Like always, I love them all! And I imagine the way people feel when receive cards like these ones.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Love, love, love
Va spun inca de la inceput ca nu sunt fan Ziua Indragostitilor! Mie imi place dragostea si punct. Dragostea pura. Si consider aceasta sarbatoarea (sau traditionalul nostru Dragobete)o ocazie minunata de a-ti impartasi sentimentele pentru persoana iubita. Intotdeauna cand gasesc scrisori vechi de la iubitul meu (actual sot) ma simt tanara, ca o adolescenta, fericita si indragostita! E asa de fain s agasesti felicitari vechi si mesaje de dragoste prin cutia cu amintiri. Asa ca incurajez pe toata lumea sa daruiasca de ocazille speciale persoanei iubite o felicitare cu multe cuvinte de dragoste si pretuire. Ca si vinul bun, felicitarea va deveni si mai pretioasa cu trecerea timpului.
I want to make it clear from the very begining! I`m not a big fan of Valentine`s Day. I just love love. Pure love. And I consider this occasion (or our local holiday from February 24 Dragobete) a great occasion to share your feelings. Everytime I find old letters from my boyfriend (now my husband) I feel so young and happy and in love! So I encourage everyone to give on special ocasions to the dear ones, a card with many beautyful deep words. Like wine, the card will become more precious with time.
I want to make it clear from the very begining! I`m not a big fan of Valentine`s Day. I just love love. Pure love. And I consider this occasion (or our local holiday from February 24 Dragobete) a great occasion to share your feelings. Everytime I find old letters from my boyfriend (now my husband) I feel so young and happy and in love! So I encourage everyone to give on special ocasions to the dear ones, a card with many beautyful deep words. Like wine, the card will become more precious with time.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Love cards
You know... Valentine`s day is coming. I`ve managed to make some cards with hearts. Red hearts. Painted stems (already a tradition for every spring) and quilled leaves.
Love them so much!
Ziua Indragostitilor se apropie. Am reusit sa fac niste felicitari cu inimioare. Inimioarea rosii. Am pictat tulpinitele (este deja o traditie ca in fiecare primavara sa fac felicitari cu tulpini pictate) si am pus frunzulite quilling.
Imi plac atat de mult!!!
There are more from the same collection.
I just love making them only that I`m not very good at painting. I`ve already accepted that I`m not a pateient crafter :)
Sunt mai multe din aceeasi colectie.
Imi place foarte mult sa le fac numai ca nu sunt prea buna la pictura. Am acceptat de multa vreme ca sunt un mester cam nerabdator :)
Salutari si vine primavara!!!
Warm hugs! I`m happy that spring is comming!
Love them so much!
Ziua Indragostitilor se apropie. Am reusit sa fac niste felicitari cu inimioare. Inimioarea rosii. Am pictat tulpinitele (este deja o traditie ca in fiecare primavara sa fac felicitari cu tulpini pictate) si am pus frunzulite quilling.
Imi plac atat de mult!!!
There are more from the same collection.
I just love making them only that I`m not very good at painting. I`ve already accepted that I`m not a pateient crafter :)
Sunt mai multe din aceeasi colectie.
Imi place foarte mult sa le fac numai ca nu sunt prea buna la pictura. Am acceptat de multa vreme ca sunt un mester cam nerabdator :)
Salutari si vine primavara!!!
Warm hugs! I`m happy that spring is comming!