
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cherry blossom - Work in progress

It`s March 26, my tulips wait to blossom... yet everywhere you look it`s just SNOW. I usualy take the weather exactly the way it is, without complaining, only that what`s enough it`s enough. Where are you SPRING?
Here is my little cherry tree, work in progress, as nothing is glued together. I only arranged them to see how everything looks. I thought you have to see it :)

E 26 martie si lalelele asteapta in gradina sa infloreasca. Totusi, peste tot in jur este numai ZAPADA. De obicei iau vremea asa cum este ea, fara sa ma plang, numai ca uneori ce e destul e destul. Unde esti tu PRIMAVARA?
Iata aici copacelul meu cu flori de cires, pe masura ce lucrez la el. Nimic nu este lipit, le-am aranjat doar sa vad cum arata si am zis ca sa vi-l arat si voua :)


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunflower wedding invitation - brown / Invitatii cu floarea soarelui maro

It`s spring outside, yet I work on sunflower wedding invitations. I`ve sent a package this week to a client from Hungary and she was so happy to see them that almost made me cry with her beautiful words. She said they are even more beautiful in reality than in pictures. 
Happy to make happy people :)

Stiu ca este primavara, eu lucrez intens la invitatii cu floarea soarelui. Si imi place si sunt bucuroasa. Tocmai am trimis spre Ungaria un colet si clienta mi-a scris despre cat de extrem de multumita si fericita este. 
Imi venea sa plang de fericire. 
Spunea ca sunt si mai frumoase decat in poze si ca totul e exact cum si-au imaginat.  
Happy to make happy people :)

The sunflower album is a gift I`ve sent, I believe it fits perfect as a gusetbook for a wonderful wedding.
Albumul cu floarea soarelui l-am trimis ca si cadou si cred ca se potriveste foarte bine ca si album de impresii.

This is a design I`ve made some time ago and I love it so much. These days i`ve been working to some new designs on the same colors. Now, I want to try something on emerald green since it`s the color of the year. 
I just love the idea of a color for every year.
Este un model care imi place foarte mult. Zilele acestea am creat ceva nou pe aceleasi culori. Imi doresc sa incerc ceva si pe verde smarald daca tot e culoarea anului. 
Chiar imi place ideea aceasta de a exista o culoare a anului.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Women day flowers / Flori de ziua femeii

Long live all the women! We celebrate women today and it`s a beautiful way of saying welcome to spring!

La Multi Ani! tuturor femeilor! Sarbatorim ziua femeii azi si cred ca e o ocazie atat de frumoasa sa-i uram primaverii Bun venit!


While preparing the flowers for the spring cards I thought it would be great to gather them all and take some pictures. This is how I got to make this tiny bouquet. 

In timp ce pregateam florile pentru felicitarile de anul acesta m-am gandit ca ce bine ar arata sa le adun intr-un buchet si sa le fac niste poze. Asa am ajuns sa fac acest buchetel.

I always thought this type of flowers look like rosebuds. 
Other ideas? 

Intotdeauna am avut impresia ca florile acestea arata ca niste boboci de trandafir.
Mai aveti si alte idei cu ce flori ar semana?

Two years ago I did something like this on a (much) smaller scale - here

Am facut ceva asemanator acum doi ani, la o scara (mult) mai mica - aici

I wish to all of you, my dears lady friends, a wonderful spring and years of happiness!

Va doresc tuturor, dragele mele prietene, o primavara minunata si ani plini de bucurie!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Felicitari de Martisor / Happy first day of spring

SPRIIIING!!! And warm SUN!!! I`m happy!!!
Here are some cards with flowers. Lots of flowers!

E primavaraaaa! Si un soare cald afara!!! Sunt fericita!
Iata cateva carti cu flori. Cu o multime de flori!

O PRIMAVARA magnifica si suflete calde si luminoase va doresc!

Have a wonderful SPRING and may your souls be warm and full of pure light!
