It`s March 26, my tulips wait to blossom... yet everywhere you look it`s just SNOW. I usualy take the weather exactly the way it is, without complaining, only that what`s enough it`s enough. Where are you SPRING?
Here is my little cherry tree, work in progress, as nothing is glued together. I only arranged them to see how everything looks. I thought you have to see it :)
E 26 martie si lalelele asteapta in gradina sa infloreasca. Totusi, peste tot in jur este numai ZAPADA. De obicei iau vremea asa cum este ea, fara sa ma plang, numai ca uneori ce e destul e destul. Unde esti tu PRIMAVARA?
Iata aici copacelul meu cu flori de cires, pe masura ce lucrez la el. Nimic nu este lipit, le-am aranjat doar sa vad cum arata si am zis ca sa vi-l arat si voua :)