Hello friends! Lately I`m more and more aware about the importance of colors in the creations I see. For my creations the only rules are: I have to like the combination and sometimes I have to use some materials I have or some colors that a client wants. How do you choose the colors that you use? Do you know the theories? Now, here is this combo that I like so very much. I made it last summer and I just love the way green and yellow look on gray. The same piece can look so different in various colors and shades! It`s amazing!
Salutare fetelor! In ultima vreme acord tot mai multa taentie culorilor pe care le vad in diferite creatii. Pentru creatiile mele, singurele reguli: trebuie sa-mi fie pe plac combinatia si uneori trebuie sa folosesc niste materiale pe care le am sau niste culori pe care clinetii le cer. Voi cum alegeti culorile pe care le folositi? Stiti teoriile?
Asa ca, iata o combinatie care imi place foarte, foarte mult! Am facut vara trecuta numerele acestea si imi place asa de mult cum mereg verdele si galbenul cu gri. Aceeasi creatie poate arata cu totul altfel daca sunt folosite culori diferite! Mi se pare uimitor!
Va imbratisez si multumesc pentru vizita :)
Warm hugs and thank you for your visit!
Invitatii pentru nunta, felicitari, flori din hartie si multe alte minunantii. Si putin din placerea mea de a scrie. Asta veti gasi pe blogul meu. Unique wedding invitations, special cards, paper flowers and other beauties. And a little bit from my passion for writing. This is what you`ll find on my blog. CONTACT: ancamilchis@yahoo.com
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Hello there! :) How are your days? What plans for the summer? I plan to make some paper bouquets.
Looking for pictures to show you I realize you little quilling I`ve made lately.
I found this wedding album through the pictures and I decided to put it here.
Hello dragi prieteni! :) Ce mai faceti? Ce planuri aveti pentru vara? Eu vreau neaparat sa fac niste buchete din flori de hartie.
Cautand printre poze cava interesant de postat am descoperit ca n-am mai facut quilling adevarat de multa vreme.Am gasit albumul acesta printre pozele de care va spuneam si m-am hotarat sa-l afisez :)
Va imbratisez cu drag!