
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Angel Wings Card

După un ceai cald savurat din fotoliul preferat trec la îngerii care ne veghează. Am creat aceste aripi pentru Crăciun, cartonul e perlat, foarte frumos, dar nu le-am găsit forma perfectă. Apoi, dintr-o dată: cling! Și iată-le, în toată splendoarea.

After a warm tea that I took on my favourite armchair I go on thinking of the angels who wach us. I made these wings for the Christmas but couldn`t find the perfect match. Then, suddenly> cling! And here they are, simply gorgeous.

I also found a challenge with such a beautyfull theme a card or project which includes wings. So I decided to participate at the challenge of the stampinsistersinchrist with this card. It is my second challenge, and my first challenge abroad.

Îmi închipui îngerii cum veghează în spatele meu, cu aripi strălucitoare. Se spune că dacă simți din senin un miros plăcut, îngerii sunt sigur în preajma ta.

I imagine the angels watching above me, with shining wings. It is said that if suddenly you feel a pleasant smell, the angels are certainly around you.


  1. This is beautiful. Thank you for joining us at Stampin Sisters in Christ.

  2. WOW! Stunning job! Love your quilling!!! Fantastic job! Thanks so much for joining us at Stampin Sisters in Christ!!!

  3. What an interesting way to do quilling, the colors you chose are so peaceful and soothing, great thoughts to share as well. Thank you for coming alongside Stampin' Sisters in Christ this week!

  4. Thank You for your comments! They make me happy and show how you receive my work. This is important for me, as a beginner.

  5. Amiga,

    Quanta coisa linda!!!
    Cada vez que passo por aqui fico mais encantada.

