
Monday, February 14, 2011

The first one

Recently I`ve discovered I am not the only one having some ideas. Deffinitly I`m a beginner in handmade and quilling, and I experiment all kind of combinations, I feel myself far from being an artist. Sometimes I search on the internet quilled creations with the intention of not making that thing.

Soo... last week I made this.

After some days, I found this.

Tragedy. I was sad all day. Tought I invented the wheel. I consider redundant to say how beautyful this 3D creation is. Here is the link.

It`s not the first time I use some ideas believing naivly that I am the first one. Well I am not. But the fact that they come through my head without seeing them before makes me believe there is a world, somewhere, a world with ideas and inspiration. Maybe we have access to that world and we are using the same ideas.

More hearts...


  1. There are so many crafters that it's likely to run into same ideas, but do love the way your s shape coils turned out!
    keep quilling

  2. Imi place mult cum combini quilling-ul cu stampilele.
    Stai linistita, nimeni nu reinventeaza roata, dar se vede de la o posta cine copiaza cu intentie si nu e cazul la tine. E superba cea cu 2 inimi si margine neagra!

  3. E si preferata mea. De aceea am lasat-o ultima, cumva ca o incheiere a perioadei Valentine.

    Thankyou to both of you. You make me want go on :)and on and on...

  4. Good start.... all your creations are beautiful...

    Karthika Sen
