Tema din aceasta luna pentru provocarea Scrapper in Romania este valentine neconventional: dungi. Mi-a placut din prima provocarea cu dungi si m-am tot gandit ce sa aleg. Dupa mai multe variante si schite (că, da, am inceput sa fac schite ca sa-mi fie mai limpede ce si cum trebuie sa iasa)am deliberat.
This month`s challenge for Scrapper in Romania is unconventional valentine: stripes. I loved this challenge from the first moment and I started thinking what to choose. After more options and sketches (because, yes, I`ve started to make sketches so that the ideas be more clear in my mind) I`ve chosen.
I also enter this card to incywincydesigns where the challenge is use punches or dies.
Guest designerul din aceasta luna este Meda, modesta si simpla, totusi atat de regala si fascinanta prin creatiile ei... Datorita ei imi pun problema originalitatii, a personalitatii si identitatii operei mele. Fiti libere prin ceea ce creati, gasiti-va propriul drum si oricat v-ar coplesi frumusetea creata de altii, incercati sa o gasiti pe a voastra. E pacat de noi sa nu ne cautam identitatea si e pacat de cei a caror munca o copiem pentru ca doare... Argumentele aici si aici
This month`s guest designer is Meda, simple and modest, yet so gorgeous and fascinating through her ceations. Feel free with your work, find your own style and no matter how beautiful creations you see, try to find your own style. Copying other`s work, hurts. Arguments here and here.
ce draguta e ! imi place ideea "Anchor with me" ;)
ReplyDeleteDa!! Ce idee faina:)
very nice card, like the pattern on the anchor!
Vroiam sa fie ”Anchor your heart. Be mine!”, dar mi-am dat seama abia in timp ce scriam postarea si n-am mai modificat.
ReplyDeleteMa bucur ca va place, si mie imi e simpatica.
Da, e delicioasa si foarte originala. Perfecta pentru baieti, nu prea incarcata si siropoasa.
ReplyDeleteWhat charm! Interesting idea!
ReplyDeleteI love your card. It's so pretty. Thanx so much for joining us this week at Incy Wincy. Hope to see you back again soon.
ReplyDeleteRenee DT
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Such a lovely Sentiment
ReplyDeleteDr Sonia S V