
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1 Martie forever

Azi e o zi foarte deosebita. Este 1 Martie. Prima zi de prima zi de primavara. Si da!!! Afara e soare! 1 Martie e o sarbatoare traditionala romaneasca. Martisorul nostru drag si scump. Sunt o multime de martisoare superbe pe piata handmade, pictat, din lut, din fimo, din margele, piele sau hartie... N-am avut curajul sa concurez cu ele si nu m-am simtit pregatita sa faca multe, multe martisoare. Asa ca de dimineata cand m-am trezit mi-am dat seama ca nu am destule martisoare pentru persoanele cu care urma sa ma vad azi. Asa am facut acesti fluturi superbi.
Today`s a special day. It is the 1st of March. First day of spring. And yes!!! Outside it`s sunny! The 1st of march is a Romanian traditional holiday. It is called "Martzishor", women and girls receive flowers and trinkets. There are a lot of beautiful trinkets on the market, handmade, painted, from clay, fimo, beads, leather, paper... In the morning I woke up and realised I have no trinkets for the persons I`ll meet today. I had a few but I had to do more. So I did these beautiful butterflies.

Si va rog sa-i luati ca pe un dar pentru voi toti cei care imi vizitati blogul.
And take them as a gift for all of you who visit my blog.

De ce e azi o zi asa de speciala? Cand eram mica (cred ca vreo 10 ani) si am ajuns acasa de la scoala am simtit ca ceva pluteste in aer, ceva special. Aveam o stare de fericire ca niciodata pana atunci.
Acum va arat ce alte martisoare am mai facut.

Why is today so special? When I was o little girl (10 years maybe) and came back from school I felt there is something special in the air. Like never before I felt a special mood of happiness.
And now, here are the other trinkets.

La final acesta a iesit ca un trifoi stilizat, nu vi se pare?
And this one turned out to be like a clover. Isn`t it?


  1. very nice trinkets, very creative!

  2. Very nice indeed! I love your trinkets, I followed your link from the Stampin Sisters in Christ - congratulations in making the Top 3.
    I love quilling which is what caught my eye!
    Hugs, antonella :-)

  3. Que lindos!!!

