
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fringed flowers

Hello my dear ones, I am so happy to find so many beautiful words from you!

Here is my new post, with two cards that I made more than a month ago - a purple one and a green one. I forgot them but when I found them into a folder with pictures I felt in love, for the second time.

The purple one is my favourite, I adore the velvet ribbon, the beads, my stamps and... I admit, purple. Maybe with some changes it would fit for a wedding invitation.

And the green one. The flowers are not so perfect because I was trying different ways of making the fringed flowers.

Some time ago I didn`t like this type of flower, only because I didn`t know how to make it. I tried to make some, they wasn`t perfect from the first time but the more I tried the more beautiful they were. I feel so bad when I try new things and they don`t turn out the way I want, I am anxious all day. But, from things like this, from mistakes, take life new interesting shapes, and even in life, new ways of being.

Wishing you to try new things and keep creating,


  1. Beautiful... I love how its simple yet has so many details.

  2. very beautiful Anca...I love the purple too. I have just made a bowl full of these same flowers and am now using them on cards. Mine are smaller and not as detailed but it took me a while to get them right too so you are not alone.

    I will post about it soon.

  3. Sunt simpatice tare felicitarile.

    Daca ne-ar iesi din prima toate lucrurile, care ar mai fi farmecul?! Stiu ca nu vrem sa ne chinuim prea mult, dar in final lucrurile "muncite" ne sunt cele mai dragi.

  4. I'm glad you stuck with it. They turned out quite nice. I like the purple one best too!

  5. Simple yet so beautiful !

    Cheers from Bangalore ,India
    Dr Sonia S V

  6. Nie chiar imi place aia verde mai "jumulita" pentru ca e ALTFEL.

  7. complimenti sono proprio belli, vieni a vedere il mio blog

  8. complimenti bei fiori fai mi piacciono molto, passa da me
