
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Less serious quilling :)

Hello again! It was hard to decide what to post today, but in the end I`ve chosen these carrots and pumpkins because the harvest time has started and I`ve noticed it`s a popular theme.
Buna din nou! Am decis cu greu ce sa postez azi, intr-un final am ales morcovii si dovlecii, sunt din aceeasi tema a recoltei - foarte in tendinte ca si tema, am observat eu. Ma intrebam daca va este mai comod sa cititi in romana decat in engleza?

And I was wondering: do you prefer personal email answers to your comment or rather enjoy the general answer from the comments section so that everybody ca see it?
Si ma mai intrebam ce parere aveti despre raspunsurile la comentarii pe mail. Dupa ce postez selectez uneori subscribe by email si atunci mi-e foarte usor sa va raspund personal comentariilor. Uneori uit sa selectez optiunea asta... si atunci las comentariile pe blogul meu. Voi cum faceti de obicei? Cum va place mai mult?

These cards are funny, not too serious, I`ve made them while playing around with my coils and shapes... and for the pumpkins card I `ve tried a minimalist look, and, I admit, I like it!
Felictarile astea nu-s prea serioase, le-am facut in timp ce ma jucam cu formele si rasuciturile ce le am prin cutii... pentru dovleci am incercat un stil minimalist si, recunosc, imi place!

May you have a rich autumn,
O toamna bogata,


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