
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Steampunk quilling - Guest Designer for Scrapper in Romania

Buna tuturor :) Sunt toata un zambet si o bucurie pentru ca aceasta luna sunt guest designer pentru Scrapper in Romania.
Hello everyone :) I`m only smiles and happiness because this month I`m a guest designer for Scrapper in Romania.

Mi-a placut muuult de tot tema: Steampunk! Multumim Veronica pentru initierea in lumea steampunk.
The theme... oh the theme, I just love it: Steampunk! Thank you Veronica for initiating us.

Puteti citi aici interviul, puteti admira lucrarile echipei de design si va puteti inscrie la o noua provocare.
You can see here the DT creations and maybe use google translation to read my interview.

Si acum sa va arat ce am pregatit eu, ca mai pot de nerabdare! Un super album!
And now I`m so eager to show you what I`ve made. Here is my album!

Quilling si steampunk? Ce pot avea in comun?! Ei bine am gasit cate ceva... Un album decorat cu o cheie aurita...
Quilling and steampunk? What could they have in common?! Well I`ve found something... A golden key...


rotite zimtate si o usa secreta...
a secret door...

hartie dintr-un dictionar francez vechi...
paper from an old french dictionary...

Ann Martin m-a inspirat pentru cheie, dar am creat un design propriu, si am patinat hartia cu auriu.
Ann Martin inspired me for the key, but I did my own design and I used some gold paint to make it look like this.

Si aici iata colajul cu imagini facut de echipa Scrapper.
And here is the collage made by the Scrapper team.

Cu drag,
Warm hugs,


  1. Wow! What a great design!! Great job!
    Hugs, antonella :-)

  2. Very well done! I really like the look of your key. It does look like metal.

  3. ar trebui sa ma vezi cum am ramas cu gura cascata!!!
    inca nu am citit cuvintele, dar vreau sa-ti scriu repede ca e super ce vad.
    Uite ca ti-am scris si nu s-a trezit Iona.
    Te pup, si ma intorc sa citesc ce ai scris :)

  4. This is awesome! So different. Your key really fooled me. If I hadn't looked closer I would have thought it was metal. Great job!

  5. It's so cool! I could never correlate Steampunk to Quilling, if not for your idea! :)

  6. Ancaaaaa....congratulation....I'm so happy that you have been a Guest Designer for Scrapper in Romania this month.

    This is so cool and WOOOW....


  7. Thank you girls for your comments! For the angel wing I used two shades of black and I regeret I wasn`t able to catch that in the pictures too.
    I`m so happy to read your comments :)

  8. really different.........cools ideas..
