
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Of course... time goes by and with every second this year is getting closer and closer to the end.
Bineinteles ca suntem tot mai aproape cu fiecare clipa de sfarsitul anului.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Quilled Snowflakes and Lace 1

I`m very happy. Santa brought some snow, so Christmas morning we found white fields around the house. Not too much snow, yet enough to make us happy.
Even if I`m not able to work as I wished I had to honor some orders.
And because pleasure it`s important too, while working I tried this combination - quilling and lace.

I`ve decided to post more cards in which I used lace and quilling, but each one in a separate post.
For this one I just love the way white and blue look together.

I`m curious to know what you think about it`s simplicity.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree...

Or could say Oh Christmas quilled tree, Oh Christmas quilled tree...
The last days were crazy and I`ve struggled to keep balance. Not so easy.. yet I try.
I love this new design. I`ll use fewer words and I`ll let you admire the cards.
First: green and white,

Second: red and green, (as you can see a not so good fast photo)

And third: my favourite combination wood and red and green and... oh

Now I appologize for not leaving too many comments on your blogs these days...
And I want to wish a Very Merry Christmas and Peace be upon you all these days and always.
Si trebuie neaparat sa va spun cateva cuvinte in romana pentru ca e limba noastra dulce. Craciun Fericit tuturor si multa Pace in suflete si in lume de Craciun si intotdeauna. Si sanatate. Si tot ce-i mai minunat si mai bun pentru toti.
Va pup cu drag,

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas quilling cards

Oh my dear ones I know these are some busy days for you, Christmas is so close! For today I have some Christmas cards in traditional colors - red and green. Just love them! I always tell to myself I should make more identical, I can`t help myself and for each one I find a new look. Here they are

Oh dragii mei stiu ca zilele acestea sunt pline pentru voi, Craciunul e imediat aici! Pentru azi am niste felicitari de Craciun in culori traditionale - rosu si verde. Le ador! Mereu imi propun sa fac mai multe identice, dar nu ma pot abtine sa nu le fac diferit. Iata-le

When making quilling snowflakes I feel strange, I struggle to create new patterns and then I find on other blogs a design just like mine. And searching on the internet I saw there are a lot of snowflakes` patterns that people are using and you can not find out who started. They belong to all of us. I think this is the beauty of quilling.

Ma simt ciudat cand fac fulgi pentru ca ma stradui sa creez modele noi, si la cateva zile gasesc pe alte bloguri modele asemanatoare, uneori chiar identice(!). Si am inceput sa ma documentez, modelele de fulgi circula si nu mai stii cine a inceput. Sunt ai tuturor. Cred ca aceasta este frumusetea lumii quilling.

For these cards I used acrylic stamps, StazOn ink and embossed cardstock. And of course... my beloved quilling ellements.

Pentru felicitarile acestea am folosit stampile acrilice, tus StazOn si carton embosat. Si bineinteles... quillingul pe care il ador ata de mult.

I enjoy so much what I`m doing, I discover this more often, and I`m waiting for the moment when I`ll be able to work with new textures (like fabrics). Maybe some of you already know this dream of mine, but it seems so hard to be reached. Making quilling is so comfortable for me... and I`m satisfied when I watch my creations, but when I try new things I don`t feel the same.

Imi place atat de mult ce fac, descopar asta tot mai des, si astept momentul cand voi putea incepe sa lucrez cu materiale noi (ma refer aici la textile). Poate unii stiti deja cat imi doresc asta, dar nu stiu cum se face ca nu reusesc sa ma apuc serios de lucru. Quillingul mi-e foarte la indemana si ma simt multumita cand imi privesc creatiile, ori cand incerc alte minuni nu sunt mereu asa de incantata. Oare sa fi capatat experienta si indemanare in acest domeniu?

I`m curious to know what you feel and think about them,
Sunt curioasa ce credeti despre ele,

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Steampunk quilling - Guest Designer for Scrapper in Romania

Buna tuturor :) Sunt toata un zambet si o bucurie pentru ca aceasta luna sunt guest designer pentru Scrapper in Romania.
Hello everyone :) I`m only smiles and happiness because this month I`m a guest designer for Scrapper in Romania.

Mi-a placut muuult de tot tema: Steampunk! Multumim Veronica pentru initierea in lumea steampunk.
The theme... oh the theme, I just love it: Steampunk! Thank you Veronica for initiating us.

Puteti citi aici interviul, puteti admira lucrarile echipei de design si va puteti inscrie la o noua provocare.
You can see here the DT creations and maybe use google translation to read my interview.

Si acum sa va arat ce am pregatit eu, ca mai pot de nerabdare! Un super album!
And now I`m so eager to show you what I`ve made. Here is my album!

Quilling si steampunk? Ce pot avea in comun?! Ei bine am gasit cate ceva... Un album decorat cu o cheie aurita...
Quilling and steampunk? What could they have in common?! Well I`ve found something... A golden key...


rotite zimtate si o usa secreta...
a secret door...

hartie dintr-un dictionar francez vechi...
paper from an old french dictionary...

Ann Martin m-a inspirat pentru cheie, dar am creat un design propriu, si am patinat hartia cu auriu.
Ann Martin inspired me for the key, but I did my own design and I used some gold paint to make it look like this.

Si aici iata colajul cu imagini facut de echipa Scrapper.
And here is the collage made by the Scrapper team.

Cu drag,
Warm hugs,

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Quilling snow

The first day of December is here. There are no snowflakes falling from the sky... But I have some quilling snowflakes. This year I tried to improve my favourite ones from the last year, I`ve made them a little bit smaller. And... they are blue!

This is not a card, I intend to make more cards using them. Here I arranged the snowflakes only for the pictures, just like that... and I love the way they look - like snow dust.

I`ve noticed many of you just love making quilling snowflakes. I feel the same. Only that I have some other projects I work at... Yet, when going to bed I imagine new cards designs for this season.

Waiting for the snowflakes to fall,

Friday, November 25, 2011

Quilling and colors - a great team

Even if it`s not snowing the air has something special, a cold November weather, "Implacable November weather" like in Dickens` work. There is fog, and everything is white. Yet, I have no Christmas card... I thought I should publish something...

Some letters announcing a new baby. And a delicate butterfly.

I know you all love colours. With these baby cards I had the opportunity to play with new colors. Quilling seduced me with the great opportunity of using many colors in the same time.

I`m in love with quilling and colors... this is my confession :)
And purple... oh purple... here it is!

For the next time I promise some quilling snowflakes,

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The supporter of my dreams

Vara aceasta am colaborat pentru prima data cu Meda. Asa am creat mai multe variante de invitatii de nunta cu candelabru. Meda a publicat un articol despre toate acestea aici, ma simt onorata si ii multumesc pentru promovarea pe care mi-o face.
This summer I worked for the first time with Meda. So I made more wedding invitations designs having the chandelier theme. Meda wrote about this here, I feel honoured and I`m thanking her for the big promo she makes for me.

Dupa mai multe variante pe care vi le-am aratat va prezint azi varianta finala, aleasa de mireasa.
After more options (I`ve already showed you some of them) finally I show you today the invitation prefered by the bride.

Domeniul nuntilor are ceva magic, ma atrag intr-un mod irezistibil rochiile de mireasa, decoratiunile, buchetul, fiecare tema posibila... Oh!
This wedding field has something magic for me, I feel a huge attraction for the bride dresses, for the decorations, for the bouquet... for every new theme. Oh!

Chiar daca blogul meu are ca tema principala quillingul imi place sa lucrez si cu alte tehnici, stiu ca preferati lucrarile quilling de aceea voi incerca sa public mereu ceva pe aceasta tema.
Pentru aceste invitatii am folosit stampile - candelabrul nu este tiparit ci este aplicat cu o stampila (da, pe fiecare invitatie!)
Even if my blog is about quilling I enjoy usingother techniques too. I know you prefer quilling so I`ll try to have something from this field too.
For these invitations I used some silicon stamps (yes, on each one!).

Have a great day,

Friday, November 4, 2011

Trash the dress

Buna din nou! Pentru azi am pregatit ceva foarte deosebit! Chiar daca ne-am casatorit acum doi ani, impreuna cu prietena mea Luciana am pus la cale o sesiune foto (un fel de trash the dress -chiar daca nu am prea facut praf rochia). Luciana este fotograf profesionist asa ca ne-am aranjat de-adevratelea cu coafor, machiaj si buchet. Si... am zis... sa-mi fac un buchet din flori de hartie daca tot mi-am descoperit pasiunea. In urma cu doi ani erau departe de mine ideile astea.
Asa ca... tadaaa buchetul :)

Hello again! I have something special for this post. Even if we married two years ago, together with my friend Luciana we set up a trash the dress photo session (I still call it this way even if my dress is not damaged after). Luciana makes professional photos so I went at the hairdresser, make-up artist (Iulia) and I made a paper flower bouquet. Two years ago I had no ideas about quilling, so now I couldn`t miss the opportunity. So... tadaaa the handmade bouquet :)

Iar aici ma vedeti si pe mine alaturi de buchet.
And here I am with the paper flowers bouquet.

Si aici indragostita de sotul meu.
And here... in love with my husband.

Pentru mai multe poze cu noi si poze mai mari cu buchetul si alte poze facute de Luciana intrati pe InterMedia Studio. Si multumesc Iulia pentru machiaj si nu numai (!).
For more pictures you can visit InterMedia Studio.

Si daca florile din buchet va par cunoscute sa stiti ca o parte sunt de aici.
If you feel like you`ve seen before these flowers it`s because I used some of them for this.

Si eram gata sa spun ca atat a fost. Dar nu! Mai e ceva. Scrapper in Romania are ca tema de inspiratie pentru provocare Buchetul de mireasa. Sa nu particip si eu cu minunatia aceasta? Cum sa nu?! Asa ca iata inscriu buchetul meu din flori de hartie la Provocarea 19 Scrapper In Romania Vremea nuntilor.
Mi se pare incredibil ca toata lumea care participa la provocare sa primeasca un tichet cadou de 1o lei.
I`ll enter my paper flower bouquet at The Scrapper In Romania 19th Challenege where the theme is Weddings time.

Buun, calde salutari tuturor,
Well, warm hugs,

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Hello again! The golden autumn is spreading its light all around. Beautiful leaves, beautiful trees, a special light... And my card for Halloween, which gives this special air... black birds... falling leaves... orange pumpkins...

I`m reoverying after a surgery these days, my husband published the latest posts for me... But now, I`m back again, I`m home again, just waiting to work again on new projects.

Hope you feel this melancholic and sweet air too...
Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sunflower wedding invitation 3

Va fi un post scurt cu niste cutii grozave in care invitatiile cu quilling merg de minune. Meda m-a ajutat (si incurajat).
Just a quick post with some great boxes, just perfect for the wedding quilling invitations. Meda helped (and ecouraged) me.



Pe care o preferati?
Which one do you prefer?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sunflower wedding invitation 2

Iata un alt design pentru invitatii de nunta cu floarea soarelui. Am creat mai multe modele, va voi dezvalui pe rand cate un alt design. Cea de data trecuta se numea Vanilla. Aceasta se numeste Chocolate.
Here is another design for a sunflower wedding invitation. I`ve made more designs and I`ll share with you step by step another one. Last time I showed you the one named Vanilla. This one is Chocolate.

Cand le-am aratat pritenelor mele, doua dintre ele au preferat-o pe aceasta, spuneau ele ca le place contrastul. Mie combinatia de ciocolatiu si hartia sidefata mi se pare bestiala. Si, mai spunea o prietena "Vai, ar fi si pacat sa faci altceva, Doamne cata rabdare ai".
Two friends saw my designs and both prefered this one because of the contrast that it has. One of them said "Oh, it would be a shame for you to do anything else, oh my God how much patience you have!".

Ei bine, trec printr-o perioada mai sensibila a vietii mele, cu alegeri grele de facut, si totusi, in timpul putin care ramane aleg sa fac asta (quilling, designuri ai alte creativitati). Sa fie oare un semn? :)
Well, right now I`m going through difficult times, with hard decisions... yet in the little time I have I prefer doing this (quilling, designs and other creative things).

Florile nu sunt lipite definitiv de invitatii, am folosit burete cu lipici ca sa le pot schimba intre ele, adica sa folosesc aceeasi baza dar flori diferite.
I added the flowers to the invitations using a piece of glue foam because I wanted to use the same card for different flowers.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sunflower wedding invitation

This summer I worked on some projects and they were top secret. So, now I can show you this special sunflower wedding invitation.

I named it Vanilla.

And here is the second version, Deep Vanilla, with a sophisticated sunflower, more petals and obviously everyone`s favorite.

What do you think?