
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

For somenone special

This is a quick post, I decided to show this album for which I used three little quilled flowers. Love their shape even if being so small and tight are not so fast.
Pentru azi un post scurt in care am hotarat sa va arat acest album pentru care am folosit trei floricele quilling. Ador aceasta forma, acest tip de floare chiar daca din cauza ca sunt asa de mici si de stranse imi ia mai mult timp sa le fac.

Albumul e pentru o fetita de 10 ani foarte speciala (ati ghicit! Sandra), culoarea ei preferata e rosul, asa ca mi-a fost usor sa aleg culorile. Albumul e cu poze din cei doi ani pe care Sandra i-a petrecut la Zana Buna - centrul de care m-am ocupat eu.
The album is for a very special 10 years old little girl (of course! Sandra), her favourite color being red it wasn`t too hard for me to choose the colors I used. The album contains pictures from the two years that Sandra spent with us at Good Fairy - the after-school and summer centre I worked at.

Albumul ii apartine acum. Am facut pozele pe fuga, inainte de a plecam inspre familia ei si nu sunt chiar cele mai grozave...
The album belongs to her now. I took the pictures in a hurry before we leave so they are not the best...

Have a wonderful week,
Va doresc o saptaman minunata,


  1. You've proven that the less is more..Love it..

  2. very pretty, what a gift to give, I'm sure she loved it!!!!

  3. these are my favourite little flowers to the album

  4. Imi plac mult florile si imi place fundalul sifonat pe care l-ai folosit.

  5. superbe umbrele, iar culoarea e atat de tonica!
    love it!
