
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Quilled roses and paint

Sa pictez si sa desenez mi se pare foarte greu, dar am vrut sa incerc. Niste tulpinite... frunzulite... nu prea multe, nici prea perfecte, totusi frumos per ansamblu.
Painting and drawing seem to me such a difficult thing but I wanted to try. Some stems... and leaves... not too much, not so perfect, yet beautiful.

Trandafirii au iesit asa din greseala, nu este hartie ondulata. Apoi am invatat cum sa gresesc pentru toti.
The roses turnued out like this by mistake, it is not crimped paper. After the first mistake I learned to do it again and again.

Imi place mult felicitarea aceasta, e una dintre preferatele mele din seria cu tulpini pictate. Voi veni maine cu o alte tulpinite pictate.
I love this card, is one of my favourite from the painted stems seria. I`ll come tomorrow with other painted stems.


  1. So simple and beautiful!! I really love the way you made roses :)

  2. Thank you ladies! I love them too and I had fun making them.

  3. Such pretty roses - love how you added them to your painted leaves.. Hugs, antonella :-)

  4. Nice Anca..You've got Charles Rennie Mackintosh's style roses by chance..Kudos..

  5. Sunt adorabili trandafirasii cu codite pictate. Imi plac foarte mult ultimele tale lucrari, sunt deosebite.
