
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Felicitari All White / All White Cards

A very special day today! St. Nicholas brought in my shoes me a Sabon cream with lavender and roses. And other beautiful gifts. Also a snowy day.
So here are these cards I made some weeks ago. My mother in law helped - she did the snowflakes. A good teacher (me :D) and a good student (she).
I`m curious to see if people will love these cards (and buy them) beacuse I love so very much this delicate design, also the combination white on (almost) white. The paper is more likely silver than white, it looks like silk.

O zi speciala azi! Mos Nicolae mi-a adus o crema Sabon cu lavanda si trandafiri. Alte daruri minunate. Si o zi cu ninsoare. Asa ca iata niste felicitari pe care le-am facut acum cateva saptamani, in acelasi sentiment al albului. Soacra mea m-a ajutat - ea a facut fulgii. Un profesor bun (eu) combinat cu un elev bun (ea).
Sunt curioasa daca oamenilor le vor placea aceste felicitari si daca le vor cumpara. Mie imi plac foarte, foarte mult - imi place designul si imi place combinatia alb pe alb (aproape alb pentru ca hartia are nuante argintii, arata ca matasea).

Hope St. Nicholas brought you sweets and fruits,
Sper ca Mos Nicolae va adus dulciuri si fructe,


  1. lovely snowflakes, you certainly are a good teacher!

  2. Sunt absolut adorabile, sunt sigura ca vor fi indragite de oameni imediat.

  3. I love you beautiful work!
    have a good weekend!
