
Thursday, January 26, 2012

A lot of snow!

E o gramada de zapada afara, frumoasa si stralucitoare. Ati observat ce frumos stralucesc fulgii de zapada in lumina? Ador frumusetea lor! Ieri cand m-am trezit si i-am vazut mi-am zis ca neaprat trebuie sa mai postez cel putin inca o felicitare cu fulgi.
There`s a lot of snow outside, beautiful and sparkling. Have you noticed the way snoflakes shine when falling down from the sky? Oh I just love these beauty! Yesterday mornig when I woke up and saw them I told myself I have to post at least one more card with snowflakes.

Pe acceasta am facut-o din fulgii aceia mici albastri (va amintiti de ei, ii puteti vedea aici). Am asa o senzatie placuta ca dincolo de vremea friguroasa si de intunecimea zilelor prea scurte din timpul iernii zapada vine ca un dar ca sa ne faca iarna mai placuta daca tot exista anotimpuri...
This one I`ve made from those little blue ones (do you remember them, here they are).I have such a great feeling that beyond cold weather and short days snow is a great gift to make our winter more pleasent, since we have seasons...

Cum v-am spus, o GRAMADA de zapada (nu m-am putut abtine sa nu va arat macar poza asta din cele pe care le-am facut).
As I told you - a LOT of snow (I just couldn`t help myself from showing you this picture)

Aveti zapada acolo unde locuiti acum?
Do you have snow where you live right now?


  1. Superba!!! restul iti spun numai in privat :)

  2. Beautiful, love the colors of the snowflakes and ribbon, and nice embossed back ground !!!

  3. We are having a very mild winter, so no snow. Your card is lovely - the embossing is subtle to make the snowflakes steal the show!

  4. E atat de frumoasa si delicata felicitarea! Imi plac tare mult fulgii de zapada, iar cele trei margelute de pe funda ii dau o nota aparte! Minunata combinatia cu partea embosata!
    Din pacate la noi e mai mult gheata decat zapada:(

  5. Ei,da!!!
    Rafinament si delicatete.O astept,cand vine posta ?
    cu drag,aureliaeugenia

  6. Hello :)
    Here is my Liebster Blog Award for you
