
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Green (!) quilled snowflake / Un fulg quilling verde

Azi a fost prima zi cand am ascultat cantece de iarna (in engleza, de aceea nu le spun colinde). Si cumva incep sa simt cu adevarat ca se apropie Craciunul, ca va ninge si va fi tot mai frig. Si am inceput sa ma gandesc la bradut. Chiar daca am pregatit lucrusoare de Craciun nu am simtit spiritul. Azi a fost prima zi cu spirit :) (de Craciun, pentru ca SPIRIT este mereu in toate si in tot ce fac).

Am ales un fulg verde. E foarte socant, dar mi-am dorit eu sa incerc si unul verde sa vad cum arata. Cam singuratic saracutul si prea fantezist. Am zis ca sa vi-l arat ca e totusi simpatic.

Today, while working, I was listening to some Christmas songs. The first time for this Christmas season. And I felt that special something that appears when winter comes and Christmas is closer. Today I enetered the spirit (the spirit of Christmas beacuse the SPIRIT is everywhere around, in anything I do, always in my life).

For today a green snowflake. Quite shocking but I wanted to try and see one on green. Also quite lonely poor little one. But I told myself why not make him public since it`s cute enough.

Mai urmeaza 6 zile cu fulgi, inca una cu fulgi liberi si apoi 5 zile de felicitari cu fulgi.
Va multumesc pentru vizita si pentru comentarii,

Here come 6 more days with snowflakes, 1 with free snowflakes and then 5 days with cards an quilled snowflakes,
Thank you for your visit and comments,

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fulgi quilling albi / White quilling snowflakes

Iata si ziua 3 din maratonul de 10 zile cu fulgi. 10 zile alternativ, adica o zi da si una nu. Pentru azi am ales fulgii albi. Sunt clasici si inconfundabili. Ma gandeam ca as putea face fulgi tot anul... As avea oare unde sa vand atatia?! Cine stie?

Imi place sa cred ca modelul din poza aceasta l-am creat eu. Dar cu fulgii niciodata nu poti fi sigur! Fie descoperi ca mai erau modele ca si ale tale, chiar daca le-ai creat fara inspiratie... fie peste un devin atat de populari ca nu mai stii de unde au pornit.

Here is day 3 from the marathon of 10 days with snowflakes. 10 days meaning one day I post, one day I take a break. And after that I post again. Classic white quilled snowflakes for today. Sometimes I believe I could make snowflakes during the entire yaer... But where could I sell so many snowflakes?! Who knows?

I like to believe that the one from the first picture is my own design. But you can never know with quilled snowflakes! Sooner or later you`ll discover that long time ago your design was famous before you even imagine it... or they become so pupular that no one knows where they started.

Hope you like and enjoy these beauties,
Sper ca va plac si va bucurati de toate aceste minunatii,

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blue quilling snowflakes / Fulgi de Craciun albastri

Buun... Sa zicem ca trebuia sa postez mai repede ca sa ma incadrez in ziua de ieri. Daar... a fost duminica! Si ne-am dat cu bicicletele si n-am reusit decat acum sa ma asez cateva clipe ca sa scriu.

Am ales fulgii albastri. Imi place asa de mult cum arata pe lemnul acela gri, cumva invechit. Cu cat lucrez mai mult cu atat imi apare mai clar stilul meu - cumva vintage-rustic-shabby chic.

Am facut acesti fulgi din fasii de 3mm, lungi de 30 cm si am folosit diferite nuante de albastru. Arata asa de dragut toti, la gramada :)

Well... Let`s say that I had to post this earlier, it`s already Monday here. But it was a sunny Sunday today!

I choose these blue quilled snowflakes for today. I love the way they look on that grey wood. The more I work, the more I feel my stile - somehow vintage, rustic, shabby chic.

I used 3mm strips, 30 cm long in different shades of blue. They look so cute, all together :)

Va imbratisez,

Friday, November 23, 2012

Fulgi quilling / Quilling snowflakes

Iata inevitabilul! Asa cum va spuneam in ultimul meu post, am inceput sa lucrez la fulgi inca de la inceputul lui octombrie. Astazi va prezint un produs pe care l-am pregatit special pentru anul acesta, un set de 3 fulgi intr-o cutie patrata cu mesajul ~believe~. Fulgii sunt bej, cu un aspect perlat si cand sunt in lumina stralucesc cumva discret si special.

Designul lor este destul de simplu, m-am inspirat de pe net, dar le-am adus si modificari personale.

Imi placea sa de mult sa fac fulgi quilling si mai nou mama sotului meu s-a pricopsit cu aceeasi pasiune. ARe 60 de ani si pana acum ma ajuta la cerculete, dar intr-o zi a vrut sa faca fulgii in intregime si i-au iesit perfect! Va voi arata fulgii pe care i-a facut ea intr-un alt post.

S-au adunat destul de multe proiecte cu fulgi anul acesta asa ca ma gandesc sa fac un maraton de 10 zile cu proiecte cu fulgi. Ce ziceti? Tot a doua zi voi posta ceva cu fulgi quilling. Ideea asta mi-a venit tocmai acum si mi-a zis ca de ce sa nu o transform in realitate?

The inevitable is here! As I told you in the last post, I started working on snowflakes since the beginning of october. Here is a special product I made for this year, a set of 3 snowflakes in box with a believe tag. The snowflakes are not white, they have a pearlescent beige color and when in light they glow.

The snowflakes designs are quite simple, nothing too innovative, some ideas from the internet but also a personal touch.

I enjoy making quilling snowflakes and now my mother in law does too. She`s 60 years old and used to help me with the coils, but one day she wanted to make her own snowflakes and the came out so perfect. I`ll show you her work in another post.

I have so many snowflakes projects this year so I decided to make a 10 days marathon dedicated to snowflakes. What do you think? Every two days I`ll post something with my quilled snowflakes. I had this idea right now and want to make it real.

Cu drag,
Warm wishes,

Monday, November 19, 2012

Ornamente de Craciun / Paper Christmas ornaments

I believe we all have noticed that Christmas is closer and closer. I started working on Christmas things even from october but I helped myself from posting them since I wanted to enjoy the autumn. But there`s no way back! Winter is almost here and Christmas is coming!
Here are some little trees I`ve made from paper strips, my first attempt, from the first days of Christmas creations when I had time to experiment.

Cred ca am remarcat cu totii ca iarna si Craciunul sunt tot mai aproape. Am inceput sa lucrez la lucruri de Craciun inca din octombrie, dar m-am abtinut din a le posta pentru ca vroiam sa ma bucur de toamna. Dar de-acum nu mai este cale de intoarcere! Iarna mai ca bate la usa si vine Craciunul!
Iata niste braduti pe care i-am facut din fasii de hartie, sunt prima mea incercare, din primele zile in care am facut lucrusoare de Craciun, cand inca mai aveam timp de experimentat.

If you want to try these, put the thread first and glue on the inside only after. I believe it took me an half an hour to put that thread!
Aren`t they beautiful?! So dreamy... like coming from another world. The world of paper

Daca vreti sa incercati si voi, va sfatuiesc sa puneti ata inainte de a da cu lipici pe interior. Cred ca mi-a luat vreo jumate de ora ca sa pun sforicica aceea. Doar una. Pentru restul n-am mai incercat.
Nu-i asa ca sunt draguti?! Asa de visatori... parca ar veni dintr-o alta lume. Lumea hartiei.

More beauties will come these days!

Vor veni si alte frumuseti zilele ce urmeaza.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Quilling jewelry / Bijuterie quilling

Quilling jewelry have something truly special. I always wanted to try but I`ve never found my way in this field. This was a gift for my sister in law and she felt in love with it. Still looking for that perfect outfit to make this quilled jewel even more precious.

Bijuteriile quilling au ceva special si intotdeauna am vrut sa incerc, dar cumva nu mi-am gasit drumul. Medalionul acesta a fost un cadou pentru cumnata mea si i-a placut enorm/ Eu inca mai caut o tinuta ca sa-l pun in valoare.

I wanted to try that brass teardrop shape even from the first moment I saw it! I imagined the tight quilling teardrop shapes and in the end I used some bronze varnish.

Inca de cand am vazut medalionul in forma de lacrima mi-am imaginat niste forme quilling stranse, tot in forma de lacrima. AM dat cu niste vopsea bronze si tadaaa!

It has a special look, don`t know yet how to define it.
Are un aer special, dar nu stiu inca exact cum sa-l definesc.

That`s all for today,
Cam atat pentru azi,
