
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Quilling jewelry / Bijuterie quilling

Quilling jewelry have something truly special. I always wanted to try but I`ve never found my way in this field. This was a gift for my sister in law and she felt in love with it. Still looking for that perfect outfit to make this quilled jewel even more precious.

Bijuteriile quilling au ceva special si intotdeauna am vrut sa incerc, dar cumva nu mi-am gasit drumul. Medalionul acesta a fost un cadou pentru cumnata mea si i-a placut enorm/ Eu inca mai caut o tinuta ca sa-l pun in valoare.

I wanted to try that brass teardrop shape even from the first moment I saw it! I imagined the tight quilling teardrop shapes and in the end I used some bronze varnish.

Inca de cand am vazut medalionul in forma de lacrima mi-am imaginat niste forme quilling stranse, tot in forma de lacrima. AM dat cu niste vopsea bronze si tadaaa!

It has a special look, don`t know yet how to define it.
Are un aer special, dar nu stiu inca exact cum sa-l definesc.

That`s all for today,
Cam atat pentru azi,



  1. e deosbit de frumos, e special, yo i-as zice aer medieval:)

    nu imi dau exact bine seama din foto de detalii, ce este intre lacrimasi lacrimile mici?

  2. Wow
    beautiful creations!
    Greetings Baukje

  3. foarte frumos si elegant. Imi place si suportul din pagini de carte...:)

  4. this is too awesome! looks like a real one!

  5. wooow...awesome, very nice project. really love this
