
Monday, March 24, 2014

Invitatii rustice cu floarea soarelui / Burlap sunflower wedding invitations

Dragii mei, am disparut de atata vreme din aceasta lume a blogurilor... Dar am continuat sa creez modele noi de invitatii si am lucrat la comenzi si am rasucit si lipit mult, mult de tot.
Postez azi un model de invitatie cu floarea soarelui si cu panza de sac. Arata tare frumos impreuna, iar cartonul maro inchis (nu e negru, e maro foarte inchis) duce spre o nunta de toamna.

My dear friends, there is so much time since I`ve been away from this world of blogging... But I worked on orders and I assemmbled many coils and petals and centers and so on...
Here I am with a burlap sunflower invitatio. All the elements look so beautiful together, and the brown card (it is dark brown, not  black) brings such an autumns air.

Am facut invitatiile acestea anul trecut, dupa cererile si sugestiile unei cliente. De multe ori ideile clientilor duc la niste produse extraordinare!
I made these invitations last year, at the requests of a client. The ideas of the clients often bring so fantastic designs!

Daca ar fi sa ma casatoresc acum, mi-ar fi tare greu sa aleg din multitudinea de culori!
I`m already married but if I had to choose the invitations for me wedding now it would be very difficult for me to choose from so many colors!

Am facut muuulte, aici numai cateva.
Here only a few from the many that I made.

Anca :)


  1. as usual, beautifully, greet and invite to my blog

  2. Fabulous!
    So elegant and gorgeous. Just I love it!

  3. All these colors look gorgeous!
    And sunflowers... aww! I'm totally speechless :D

  4. Se pare ca floarea sorelui este tare iubita! Minunate invitatii! Imi place combinatia de culori si texturi! Sa ai un Paste Fericit alaturi de cei dragi!
