
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lily of the Valley wedding invitation / Invitatie de nunnta cu lacramioare

Spring is here, or it`s almost gone?! Lily of the Valley was all over the town, at every corner, sold by old ladies or by gipsy ladies. And I love them so much that I wish they never abandon this activity :)

Nici nu mai stiu daca e primavara sau daca s-a si terminat! Cred ca ati vazut si voi tantile batrane sau femeile rrome cu lacramioare la colturi de strada. Imi plac atat de mult incat mi-as dori sa fie intotdeauna cineva cu flori de vanzare la coltul strazii :)

This season I had a special client who wanted wedding invitations with Lily of the Valley. Now, that was a challenge because I wanted something delicate and beautiful yet strong and resistant.

O clienta foarte deosebita mi-a cerut anul acesta invitatii cu lacramioare. Si a fost o mare provocare pentru ca vroiam sa creez ceva delicat si totusi rezistent.

I came up with two designs, many color combos and she chose this:
I-am propus doua modele si mai multe variatii de culoare, iar ea a ales acest model:

I`ve noticed that my clients request bring out of my head the most beautiful creations and no matter how much I create new designs, the ones that they suggest will always be the best ones!
Am observat ca propunerile clientilor mei scot din mine cele mai frumoase creatii si indiferent cat de mult creez eu singura modele noi, cele sugerate de ei sunt intotdeauna cele mai bune!

I like everything about these invitations - the green of the cardstock (a little bit pearlescent), how it goes with the ribbon, the embossing pattern, the delicate stem and of course, the delicate and beautiful lilies of the valley.
Imi place totul la invitatiile acestea - nuanta de verde a cartonului (e putin sidefat), cum se potriveste cu panglica verde, modelul embosat, tulpina delicate si bineinteles minunatele lacramioare stilizate.

I am not very active with blogging... as there are so many wonderful things happening in my life that the blog is now somewhere at the end of the list...
De multa vreme blogging-ul este in capatul listei si nu prea am activat cu postari noi... asta din cauza ca in viata mea se petrec tot felul de lucruri minunate si nu mai am timp pentru toate... dar poate si pentru ca realizand invitatii multe mi se pare ca nu e chiar atat de interesant pentru voi.

Enjoy your quilling and keep creating with passion!
Savurati la maxim quilling pe care-l faceti si creati mereu cu pasiune!


  1. I've never seen green wedding invitation. But your project looks totally amazing! Perfect!

  2. oh, dear, they look amazing!

  3. Superbe, anca. Subscriu si eu la faza cu cele mai bune modele ies din provocarile clientilor, cu toate ca eu sunt la faza in care refuz aceste provocari daca nu sunt remunerate. Altfel raman doar cu incantarea.

  4. Beautiful, delicate, flowers, lilies of the valley wonderful, I send greetings
