Hello my dear ones!
Now I am working on a quilling paint so I`ll have a break from cards. But I have pictures from the spring collection I prepared for the 1st of March. For today some tulips cards. This time I used for the stems plait paper. And a velvet ribbon as embelishment. I love the way colors combine. This is one of my favourite color combinations.
I enter this card to crazy4challenges challenge C4C76 where the theme is: use flowers on your cards.
These tulips can be done very easy. For the leaves I used two A4 paper strips rolled together, in different shades of green so that they look more natural.
And here you see some yellow and orange beauties. I think we`re all waiting for the spring to come...
Invitatii pentru nunta, felicitari, flori din hartie si multe alte minunantii. Si putin din placerea mea de a scrie. Asta veti gasi pe blogul meu. Unique wedding invitations, special cards, paper flowers and other beauties. And a little bit from my passion for writing. This is what you`ll find on my blog. CONTACT: ancamilchis@yahoo.com
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Scrapper in Romania - Challenge #11
Tema din aceasta luna pentru provocarea Scrapper in Romania este valentine neconventional: dungi. Mi-a placut din prima provocarea cu dungi si m-am tot gandit ce sa aleg. Dupa mai multe variante si schite (că, da, am inceput sa fac schite ca sa-mi fie mai limpede ce si cum trebuie sa iasa)am deliberat.
This month`s challenge for Scrapper in Romania is unconventional valentine: stripes. I loved this challenge from the first moment and I started thinking what to choose. After more options and sketches (because, yes, I`ve started to make sketches so that the ideas be more clear in my mind) I`ve chosen.
I also enter this card to incywincydesigns where the challenge is use punches or dies.
Guest designerul din aceasta luna este Meda, modesta si simpla, totusi atat de regala si fascinanta prin creatiile ei... Datorita ei imi pun problema originalitatii, a personalitatii si identitatii operei mele. Fiti libere prin ceea ce creati, gasiti-va propriul drum si oricat v-ar coplesi frumusetea creata de altii, incercati sa o gasiti pe a voastra. E pacat de noi sa nu ne cautam identitatea si e pacat de cei a caror munca o copiem pentru ca doare... Argumentele aici si aici
This month`s guest designer is Meda, simple and modest, yet so gorgeous and fascinating through her ceations. Feel free with your work, find your own style and no matter how beautiful creations you see, try to find your own style. Copying other`s work, hurts. Arguments here and here.
This month`s challenge for Scrapper in Romania is unconventional valentine: stripes. I loved this challenge from the first moment and I started thinking what to choose. After more options and sketches (because, yes, I`ve started to make sketches so that the ideas be more clear in my mind) I`ve chosen.
I also enter this card to incywincydesigns where the challenge is use punches or dies.
Guest designerul din aceasta luna este Meda, modesta si simpla, totusi atat de regala si fascinanta prin creatiile ei... Datorita ei imi pun problema originalitatii, a personalitatii si identitatii operei mele. Fiti libere prin ceea ce creati, gasiti-va propriul drum si oricat v-ar coplesi frumusetea creata de altii, incercati sa o gasiti pe a voastra. E pacat de noi sa nu ne cautam identitatea si e pacat de cei a caror munca o copiem pentru ca doare... Argumentele aici si aici
This month`s guest designer is Meda, simple and modest, yet so gorgeous and fascinating through her ceations. Feel free with your work, find your own style and no matter how beautiful creations you see, try to find your own style. Copying other`s work, hurts. Arguments here and here.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
New Challenges
Even if Valentine is gone on 24th of february Romanians celebrate Dragobete (something like "my dear one"). So I present you this card which I enter to:
- scrappyfrogschallenge - love is in the air challenge
- crazy4challenges - use dies to create your card
Wish me luck!
- scrappyfrogschallenge - love is in the air challenge
- crazy4challenges - use dies to create your card
Wish me luck!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Galanthus nivalis
Un nume regal pentru aceasta floare care ni se daruieste cu modestie, libera si salbatica, pura si plapanda. Mai puternica decat iarna rece, ne calauzeste spre caldura si lumina primaverii. Pentru ca da! Vine primavara!
Such a royal name for this flower which is humbly given to us, free and savage, pure and feeble. More powerful than the cold winter, is guiding us toward the warmth and the light of the spring. Because... yes! Spring is coming.
I enter this card to Stampin` Sisters in Christ - the challenge is: use the color green in your card/project.
Am pregatit multe felicitari cu ghiocei, pentru azi doua variante, pe verde si pe galben. Pentru martisor nu voi face martisoare. Mi se pare lucru mult si rasplata putina. Asa ca am facut saptamana trecuta muuuulte felicitari: cu ghiocei, lalele si branduse.
I made many cards with snowdrops, for today one green and one yellow. I won`t make trinkets for the first of march (how do you translate ~martisor~?). It is a lot of work and little reward. So, last week I made many, many cards: with snowdrops, tulips and crocuses.
Am inlocuit tulpina ghiocelului cu margelute. Arata frumos si mai ales e practic. Fasiile de hartie sunt foarte fragile si se strivesc prea usor. Am gasit mai multe solutii pentru tulpinite, le veti descoperi zilele acestea.
I used beads for the stems. They look pretty and it is also useful. The paper strips are too fragile and they crush so easy. I found more solutions for the stem of these flowers, you will see them soon.
Legendele despre ghiocel ma fac sa-l pretuiesc mai mult, sa vad dincolo de banal povestea lui plina de magie: mai puternic decat frigul si zapada, simbol al puritatii, al sperantei, cel care a dorit sa daruiasca din albul sau zapezii, modest, simplu si frumos.
The legends about the snowdrop make me appreciate it more, make me see beyond its simple image a magic story: more powerful than cold and snow, symbol of purity, hope, the one who gave white color to snow, humble, simple and beautiful.
imaginea e de aici
Such a royal name for this flower which is humbly given to us, free and savage, pure and feeble. More powerful than the cold winter, is guiding us toward the warmth and the light of the spring. Because... yes! Spring is coming.
I enter this card to Stampin` Sisters in Christ - the challenge is: use the color green in your card/project.
Am pregatit multe felicitari cu ghiocei, pentru azi doua variante, pe verde si pe galben. Pentru martisor nu voi face martisoare. Mi se pare lucru mult si rasplata putina. Asa ca am facut saptamana trecuta muuuulte felicitari: cu ghiocei, lalele si branduse.
I made many cards with snowdrops, for today one green and one yellow. I won`t make trinkets for the first of march (how do you translate ~martisor~?). It is a lot of work and little reward. So, last week I made many, many cards: with snowdrops, tulips and crocuses.
Am inlocuit tulpina ghiocelului cu margelute. Arata frumos si mai ales e practic. Fasiile de hartie sunt foarte fragile si se strivesc prea usor. Am gasit mai multe solutii pentru tulpinite, le veti descoperi zilele acestea.
I used beads for the stems. They look pretty and it is also useful. The paper strips are too fragile and they crush so easy. I found more solutions for the stem of these flowers, you will see them soon.
Legendele despre ghiocel ma fac sa-l pretuiesc mai mult, sa vad dincolo de banal povestea lui plina de magie: mai puternic decat frigul si zapada, simbol al puritatii, al sperantei, cel care a dorit sa daruiasca din albul sau zapezii, modest, simplu si frumos.
The legends about the snowdrop make me appreciate it more, make me see beyond its simple image a magic story: more powerful than cold and snow, symbol of purity, hope, the one who gave white color to snow, humble, simple and beautiful.
imaginea e de aici
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Start vot
Pentru a vota intrati aici
Trebuie sa se deschida pagina unde se tine concursul. Votati o singura data, cu numele mic real, si scrieti numele si titlul lucrarii votate, jos, la comentarii.
Va spuneam in urma cu cateva zile despre concursul Primavara turquoise organizat de Oana pe blogul ei.
A few days ago I told you about a special contest - Turquoise spring hosted by Oana on her blog.
Eu am participat la categoria felicitari cu tehnica quilling si azi s-a dat drumul la votare asa ca pot sa va arat felicitarea pe care am pregatit-o.
Se numeste Floare de cires.
I'm competing at the cards section, with the quilling technique. You can vote now so I can show you the card I've made. It`s named Cherry blossom.
I want to enter this card to fairyknoll challenge Think Spring. My post is quite old, but maybe the girls will accept it because it suits perfect!
Oana a surprins foarte bine gandurile mele ”Povestea unei preafrumoase fete si a florilor de cires, povestea unei primaveri vesnice.”
Oana surprised very well my thoughts "The story of a very beautiful girl and the cherry blossoms, the story of a neverending spring".
Se poate vota o singura data, aici, votul se acorda unei singure lucrari, chiar daca sunt mai multe categorii, dar la sfarsit se va premia cea mai votata lucrare de la fiecare categorie. Scrieti la comentarii numele complet al persoanei cu care votati si titlul lucrarii (altfel se anuleaza votul), lasati adresa voastra de mail si numele mic (se verifica prin sondaj) si gata.
You can only vote once, here, and the vote is for only one work even if there are more sections. Write at the comment box the name of the one you choose and the name of her work, leave your e-mail adress and that`s it.
Am lucrat cu foarte multa placere la aceasta felicitare, mult mai multe ore decat la cele pe care le fac de obicei, m-am simtit inspirata si sunt incantata de ce a iesit.
I worked with so much pleasure to this card, many more hours than I worked at the others, I felt inspired and I`m delighted with the result.
Trebuie sa se deschida pagina unde se tine concursul. Votati o singura data, cu numele mic real, si scrieti numele si titlul lucrarii votate, jos, la comentarii.
Va spuneam in urma cu cateva zile despre concursul Primavara turquoise organizat de Oana pe blogul ei.
A few days ago I told you about a special contest - Turquoise spring hosted by Oana on her blog.
Eu am participat la categoria felicitari cu tehnica quilling si azi s-a dat drumul la votare asa ca pot sa va arat felicitarea pe care am pregatit-o.
Se numeste Floare de cires.
I'm competing at the cards section, with the quilling technique. You can vote now so I can show you the card I've made. It`s named Cherry blossom.
I want to enter this card to fairyknoll challenge Think Spring. My post is quite old, but maybe the girls will accept it because it suits perfect!
Oana a surprins foarte bine gandurile mele ”Povestea unei preafrumoase fete si a florilor de cires, povestea unei primaveri vesnice.”
Oana surprised very well my thoughts "The story of a very beautiful girl and the cherry blossoms, the story of a neverending spring".
Se poate vota o singura data, aici
You can only vote once, here, and the vote is for only one work even if there are more sections. Write at the comment box the name of the one you choose and the name of her work, leave your e-mail adress and that`s it.
Am lucrat cu foarte multa placere la aceasta felicitare, mult mai multe ore decat la cele pe care le fac de obicei, m-am simtit inspirata si sunt incantata de ce a iesit.
I worked with so much pleasure to this card, many more hours than I worked at the others, I felt inspired and I`m delighted with the result.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Why cards?
Ador felicitarile. Este ceva pur si simplu, o dragoste infinita, o accept si ma umplu de ea pana la suprasaturatie.
I love cards. It`s something just like that, an infinite love, I accept it and I let myself breath it until overflowing.
- sunt precum un tablou in miniatura sau precum o fotografie
- sunt pline de culoare
- iti fac inima sa bata mai tare cat atepti sa citesti ce e scris inauntru
- sunt precum o carte, intreaga poveste dintre cel care o daruieste si cel care o primeste poate fi scrisa inauntru folosind cateva propozitii
- gasite printre niste hartii mai vechi sunt o adevarata comoara
- te ajuta sa iti marturisesti sentimentele cu delicatete si totusi puternic
- are like a small painting or photography
- are full with color
- make your heart beat like crazy waiting for the words written inside
- are like a book, the whole story between To and From can be written inside using only few sentences
- found between your papers after some years are like a treasure
- help you confess your feelings in a gentle, yet powerful way
E un semn bun ca oamenii mai cumpara felicitari. Si mai bine daca le cumpara pe cele handmade. Aici este o felicitare pentru care am folosit una din primele flori facute facute cu aceasta tehnica.
I think it`s a very good sign that people still buy cards. Even better if they buy handmade cards. Here is the card for which I used one of the first flowers made with this technique.
I love cards. It`s something just like that, an infinite love, I accept it and I let myself breath it until overflowing.
- sunt precum un tablou in miniatura sau precum o fotografie
- sunt pline de culoare
- iti fac inima sa bata mai tare cat atepti sa citesti ce e scris inauntru
- sunt precum o carte, intreaga poveste dintre cel care o daruieste si cel care o primeste poate fi scrisa inauntru folosind cateva propozitii
- gasite printre niste hartii mai vechi sunt o adevarata comoara
- te ajuta sa iti marturisesti sentimentele cu delicatete si totusi puternic
- are like a small painting or photography
- are full with color
- make your heart beat like crazy waiting for the words written inside
- are like a book, the whole story between To and From can be written inside using only few sentences
- found between your papers after some years are like a treasure
- help you confess your feelings in a gentle, yet powerful way
E un semn bun ca oamenii mai cumpara felicitari. Si mai bine daca le cumpara pe cele handmade. Aici este o felicitare pentru care am folosit una din primele flori facute facute cu aceasta tehnica.
I think it`s a very good sign that people still buy cards. Even better if they buy handmade cards. Here is the card for which I used one of the first flowers made with this technique.
Monday, February 14, 2011
The first one
Recently I`ve discovered I am not the only one having some ideas. Deffinitly I`m a beginner in handmade and quilling, and I experiment all kind of combinations, I feel myself far from being an artist. Sometimes I search on the internet quilled creations with the intention of not making that thing.
Soo... last week I made this.
After some days, I found this.
Tragedy. I was sad all day. Tought I invented the wheel. I consider redundant to say how beautyful this 3D creation is. Here is the link.
It`s not the first time I use some ideas believing naivly that I am the first one. Well I am not. But the fact that they come through my head without seeing them before makes me believe there is a world, somewhere, a world with ideas and inspiration. Maybe we have access to that world and we are using the same ideas.
More hearts...
Soo... last week I made this.
After some days, I found this.
Tragedy. I was sad all day. Tought I invented the wheel. I consider redundant to say how beautyful this 3D creation is. Here is the link.
It`s not the first time I use some ideas believing naivly that I am the first one. Well I am not. But the fact that they come through my head without seeing them before makes me believe there is a world, somewhere, a world with ideas and inspiration. Maybe we have access to that world and we are using the same ideas.
More hearts...
Thursday, February 10, 2011
No red Valentine
Today I present you some hearts for Valentine but in other colors than red or pink. Quilling makes me sooo happy! I love the colors, I love the spirals and the stamps help me fill in the cards.
The idea of making a rainbow (ROGVAIV) from hearts like this came to me but I didn`t do it and some of them are already sold. Maybe next year.
And now the blue ones. "Blue heart" is a sad expression but I couldn`t help myself from making them. I`m curios wich one people will choose and buy.
For this one I used something that I`d invented (I believe this until I find something alike somewhere on the internet and then my world is ruined:))) ). My invention: I put together two strips of different colours and rolled them together. The little heart is made like this and the result is a new color.
The idea of making a rainbow (ROGVAIV) from hearts like this came to me but I didn`t do it and some of them are already sold. Maybe next year.
And now the blue ones. "Blue heart" is a sad expression but I couldn`t help myself from making them. I`m curios wich one people will choose and buy.
For this one I used something that I`d invented (I believe this until I find something alike somewhere on the internet and then my world is ruined:))) ). My invention: I put together two strips of different colours and rolled them together. The little heart is made like this and the result is a new color.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Flower power
Oamenilor le plac florile si culorile vii.
People love flowers and vivid colors.
Este cumva incomod pentru mine sa fac felicitari handmade si sa nu vad cine le cumpara. Masele niciodata nu cauta lucruri deosebite, iau ceea ce e in fata ochilor lor. Uneori si eu fac la fel. De aceea ma simt deosebit cand stiu ca duc ceva altfel (facut din toata inima) la raft, sub nasul cumparatorilor. Si mi s-au cerut flori. Asa ca... flori sa fie.
It`s quite strange for me to make these handmade cards and not see who buys them. Mass will never search for special things, they take what`s in front of their eyes. Sometimes I do the same. That`s why I feel special providing something different (made with all my heart) - in front of people`s eyes. And they asked for flowers. So, let`s make flowers.
Parerea mea este ca florile si quillingul sunt o asociere plina de forta, intr-adevar frumoasa , dar nu preferata mea. Vreau mai mult de la quilling. Pentru azi si pentru aceasta perioada din an, flori si inimioare.
I think flowers and quilling make a powerfull combination, beautiful indeed, but not my favourite. I want more from quilling. For today and for this period of the year, flowers and hearts.
Chiar daca sunt flori imi place la nebunie sa lucrez cu hartia, cu stampilele, cu panglicile si toate cele!
Flowers or not I make the cards with an infinit pleasure!
People love flowers and vivid colors.
Este cumva incomod pentru mine sa fac felicitari handmade si sa nu vad cine le cumpara. Masele niciodata nu cauta lucruri deosebite, iau ceea ce e in fata ochilor lor. Uneori si eu fac la fel. De aceea ma simt deosebit cand stiu ca duc ceva altfel (facut din toata inima) la raft, sub nasul cumparatorilor. Si mi s-au cerut flori. Asa ca... flori sa fie.
It`s quite strange for me to make these handmade cards and not see who buys them. Mass will never search for special things, they take what`s in front of their eyes. Sometimes I do the same. That`s why I feel special providing something different (made with all my heart) - in front of people`s eyes. And they asked for flowers. So, let`s make flowers.
Parerea mea este ca florile si quillingul sunt o asociere plina de forta, intr-adevar frumoasa , dar nu preferata mea. Vreau mai mult de la quilling. Pentru azi si pentru aceasta perioada din an, flori si inimioare.
I think flowers and quilling make a powerfull combination, beautiful indeed, but not my favourite. I want more from quilling. For today and for this period of the year, flowers and hearts.
Chiar daca sunt flori imi place la nebunie sa lucrez cu hartia, cu stampilele, cu panglicile si toate cele!
Flowers or not I make the cards with an infinit pleasure!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Quilling Strips
Finally I have my quilling strips together with the red I nedeed.
Making the pictures for this post I realized how chaotic I am (sometimes). You`ll see the way I "arrange" the quilling strips. A few months ago I arranged them like this.
In december, in a rush I put them like this.
Here are the ones I couldn`t manage. I have to clean up the area but now there is a lot of work to do (this period swallows my cards just like that - I am happy, happy!)
And the strips I am using for the paper flowers that you can see here. These large strips are actually the remains from the paper I used for the thinner ones.
I love the way the strips look in the light, so many colors! Soo beautiful!
Making the pictures for this post I realized how chaotic I am (sometimes). You`ll see the way I "arrange" the quilling strips. A few months ago I arranged them like this.
In december, in a rush I put them like this.
Here are the ones I couldn`t manage. I have to clean up the area but now there is a lot of work to do (this period swallows my cards just like that - I am happy, happy!)
And the strips I am using for the paper flowers that you can see here. These large strips are actually the remains from the paper I used for the thinner ones.
I love the way the strips look in the light, so many colors! Soo beautiful!
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hello everyone! Today`s post is about recycling. I always thought there is enough for everyone on this Planet and there is a huge amount of wasted things while others suffer of not having those things. I bought an old coat from a second hand with 3 ron (1$) and I made some cards. They are so beautyful!
Am taiat multe inimi din paltonul de care va spuneam, le-am cusut si am pus un nasture. Am folosit stampilele (pe care le ador!) si iata-le gata pentru Valentine.
I made many hearts from this coat, I sew them and put a button. I used my stamps (love them sooo much!) and they are ready for Valentine.
Si nasturii sunt de la camasi second pe care le-am gasit in cutii cu 1 leu bucata. Cand eram mica mergeam la o croitorie si ceream resturi de materiale. Acum as vrea sa incerc asta la un magazin cu tapet.
The buttons are also from old shirts that I found in boxes with 1 ron every piece. When I was a little girl I used to go to a tailor`s place and asked for pieces of tissue. Now I want to try my luck with a wallpaper store.
Reciclare e un cuvant greu si poate prea comun. Dincolo de placerea de a gasi lucruri de folos intre cele inutile, povestea aceasta este despre a nu risipi, despre respect si grija, despre abundenta si suficienta care ar trebui sa distruga iluzia ca "nu este destul".
Recycle is a big word and maybe too common. Beyond the pleasure of finding useful things between the useless ones, this story is about non-wasting, about respect and care, about abundance and sufficiency that should destroy the illusion "there is not enough".
Va invit sa vedeti acest film scurt. Sunt foarte curioasa ce parere aveti.
I invite you all to watch this short movie. Please let me know your opinions.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Concurs de creatie - A special contest
OanaMada a lansat un concurs de creatie - Fereastra catre imaginatie. Unul elaborat, cu categorii diferite si cu premii pentru fiecare categorie :)- produse in valoare de 10 euro pentru tehnica cu care lucreaza castigatorii. Mi-a propus si m-am inscris. Azi e ultima zi in care va puteti inscrie, detalii gasiti aici.
Va invit sa (ma) votati pe blogul ei incepand cu 16 februarie. Imi place foarte mult tema aleasa - PRIMĂVARĂ TURQUOISE - si pregatesc o lucrare cuceritoare. Voi anunta cand incepe votarea, pana atunci va invit sa va delectati cu inimioare si flori :)
Va invit sa (ma) votati pe blogul ei incepand cu 16 februarie. Imi place foarte mult tema aleasa - PRIMĂVARĂ TURQUOISE - si pregatesc o lucrare cuceritoare. Voi anunta cand incepe votarea, pana atunci va invit sa va delectati cu inimioare si flori :)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Flori de hartie... Paper flowers
Incerc de ceva vreme sa fac florile pe care vi le prezint azi, dar nu mi-au prea iesit. Am renuntat de cateva ori si acum am incercat din nou. Le-am tot mesterit in timp ce ma uitam la un film cu sotul sau cand asteptam musafirii.
I`ve been trying for some time to make these flowers, but I didn`t succeed. I gave up and then I tried again. I worked on them while watchin tv with my husband or waiting for the guests to come.
Mi-au iesit destul de bine, dar sunt departe de perfecțiune. Mă gândesc mult la ceea ce fac, de ce fac, care e direcția spre care merg cu felicitarile. Stiu sigur ca acum experimentez si tot ce fac e un fel de antrenament pentru lucrarile pe care imi doresc sa le creez in viitor.
They are pretty enogh, but they are not perfect. I am asking myself for some days why do I do all these cards and quilling and blogging an so on? I know I`m experimenting and everything is just a training for the creation I want to make in the future.
Iata cum am folosit aceste flori.
This is the way I used these flowers.
Aceasta e prima brosa quilling, atat de fragila...
This is my first quilling broche, so fragile...
Siii... o combinatie cuceritoare: albastru cu maro.
Aaand... o lovely combination: blue and brown.
I`ve been trying for some time to make these flowers, but I didn`t succeed. I gave up and then I tried again. I worked on them while watchin tv with my husband or waiting for the guests to come.
Mi-au iesit destul de bine, dar sunt departe de perfecțiune. Mă gândesc mult la ceea ce fac, de ce fac, care e direcția spre care merg cu felicitarile. Stiu sigur ca acum experimentez si tot ce fac e un fel de antrenament pentru lucrarile pe care imi doresc sa le creez in viitor.
They are pretty enogh, but they are not perfect. I am asking myself for some days why do I do all these cards and quilling and blogging an so on? I know I`m experimenting and everything is just a training for the creation I want to make in the future.
Iata cum am folosit aceste flori.
This is the way I used these flowers.
Aceasta e prima brosa quilling, atat de fragila...
This is my first quilling broche, so fragile...
Siii... o combinatie cuceritoare: albastru cu maro.
Aaand... o lovely combination: blue and brown.
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