Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Quilling angel / Inger quilling 3D

Craciunul e imediat aici! Peste tot e o atmosfera speciala, oameni foarte ocupati, dar bucurosi si, peste tot decorul meu preferat - case cu luminite!!! Asa de mult imi plac! Ne-am pus si noi lumini la geamuri!
Si pentru ca toate luminitele sunt un fel de replici ale stelelor, tot dintre stele vine si ingerul pe care vi-l prezint azi.

Christmas is almost here! A lot of joy all around, busy but happy people and, my favourite decor - the houses decorated with lights! Just love it!
And because those little lights are replicas of the stars, here comes from the stars comes the angel I`m showing you today.

Many hugs,


  1. lovely! love the way you did the wings. very different. Happy Christmas in advance to you!

  2. lovely, like the wings !!!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family !!!!
