Hello everyone! Today`s post is about recycling. I always thought there is enough for everyone on this Planet and there is a huge amount of wasted things while others suffer of not having those things. I bought an old coat from a second hand with 3 ron (1$) and I made some cards. They are so beautyful!
Am taiat multe inimi din paltonul de care va spuneam, le-am cusut si am pus un nasture. Am folosit stampilele (pe care le ador!) si iata-le gata pentru Valentine.
I made many hearts from this coat, I sew them and put a button. I used my stamps (love them sooo much!) and they are ready for Valentine.
Si nasturii sunt de la camasi second pe care le-am gasit in cutii cu 1 leu bucata. Cand eram mica mergeam la o croitorie si ceream resturi de materiale. Acum as vrea sa incerc asta la un magazin cu tapet.
The buttons are also from old shirts that I found in boxes with 1 ron every piece. When I was a little girl I used to go to a tailor`s place and asked for pieces of tissue. Now I want to try my luck with a wallpaper store.
Reciclare e un cuvant greu si poate prea comun. Dincolo de placerea de a gasi lucruri de folos intre cele inutile, povestea aceasta este despre a nu risipi, despre respect si grija, despre abundenta si suficienta care ar trebui sa distruga iluzia ca "nu este destul".
Recycle is a big word and maybe too common. Beyond the pleasure of finding useful things between the useless ones, this story is about non-wasting, about respect and care, about abundance and sufficiency that should destroy the illusion "there is not enough".
Va invit sa vedeti acest film scurt. Sunt foarte curioasa ce parere aveti.
I invite you all to watch this short movie. Please let me know your opinions.
Superbe! Imi place mult ideea. Si eu sunt obsedata de a nu arunca, de a refolosi lucrurile in scopuri noi. Cel mai mult imi palce faza cu camasile. La mercerie cumperi un singur nasture cu aceeasi suma.
ReplyDeleteMinunata ideea! Si tot ceea ce a iesit din materialele reciclate!
ReplyDeleteSalut!!! Ce mult ma bucur ca ne-am "intalnit", cel putin in virtual si ce fain ca suntem "surori" de background:))
ReplyDeleteFelicitarile tale sunt atat de faine! Ai un stil atat de...dulce si copilaresc si transmiti atata pozitivism prin arta pe care o faci. Cel mai mult ma bucura ca esti prima persoana din Cluj pe care o cunosc sa fie innebunita de quilling (si, dupa cum observ chiar la postul la care comentez, de craft in general). Ce fain!>:D<
Diana de la Happy Quilling