Friday, November 25, 2011

Quilling and colors - a great team

Even if it`s not snowing the air has something special, a cold November weather, "Implacable November weather" like in Dickens` work. There is fog, and everything is white. Yet, I have no Christmas card... I thought I should publish something...

Some letters announcing a new baby. And a delicate butterfly.

I know you all love colours. With these baby cards I had the opportunity to play with new colors. Quilling seduced me with the great opportunity of using many colors in the same time.

I`m in love with quilling and colors... this is my confession :)
And purple... oh purple... here it is!

For the next time I promise some quilling snowflakes,

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The supporter of my dreams

Vara aceasta am colaborat pentru prima data cu Meda. Asa am creat mai multe variante de invitatii de nunta cu candelabru. Meda a publicat un articol despre toate acestea aici, ma simt onorata si ii multumesc pentru promovarea pe care mi-o face.
This summer I worked for the first time with Meda. So I made more wedding invitations designs having the chandelier theme. Meda wrote about this here, I feel honoured and I`m thanking her for the big promo she makes for me.

Dupa mai multe variante pe care vi le-am aratat va prezint azi varianta finala, aleasa de mireasa.
After more options (I`ve already showed you some of them) finally I show you today the invitation prefered by the bride.

Domeniul nuntilor are ceva magic, ma atrag intr-un mod irezistibil rochiile de mireasa, decoratiunile, buchetul, fiecare tema posibila... Oh!
This wedding field has something magic for me, I feel a huge attraction for the bride dresses, for the decorations, for the bouquet... for every new theme. Oh!

Chiar daca blogul meu are ca tema principala quillingul imi place sa lucrez si cu alte tehnici, stiu ca preferati lucrarile quilling de aceea voi incerca sa public mereu ceva pe aceasta tema.
Pentru aceste invitatii am folosit stampile - candelabrul nu este tiparit ci este aplicat cu o stampila (da, pe fiecare invitatie!)
Even if my blog is about quilling I enjoy usingother techniques too. I know you prefer quilling so I`ll try to have something from this field too.
For these invitations I used some silicon stamps (yes, on each one!).

Have a great day,

Friday, November 4, 2011

Trash the dress

Buna din nou! Pentru azi am pregatit ceva foarte deosebit! Chiar daca ne-am casatorit acum doi ani, impreuna cu prietena mea Luciana am pus la cale o sesiune foto (un fel de trash the dress -chiar daca nu am prea facut praf rochia). Luciana este fotograf profesionist asa ca ne-am aranjat de-adevratelea cu coafor, machiaj si buchet. Si... am zis... sa-mi fac un buchet din flori de hartie daca tot mi-am descoperit pasiunea. In urma cu doi ani erau departe de mine ideile astea.
Asa ca... tadaaa buchetul :)

Hello again! I have something special for this post. Even if we married two years ago, together with my friend Luciana we set up a trash the dress photo session (I still call it this way even if my dress is not damaged after). Luciana makes professional photos so I went at the hairdresser, make-up artist (Iulia) and I made a paper flower bouquet. Two years ago I had no ideas about quilling, so now I couldn`t miss the opportunity. So... tadaaa the handmade bouquet :)

Iar aici ma vedeti si pe mine alaturi de buchet.
And here I am with the paper flowers bouquet.

Si aici indragostita de sotul meu.
And here... in love with my husband.

Pentru mai multe poze cu noi si poze mai mari cu buchetul si alte poze facute de Luciana intrati pe InterMedia Studio. Si multumesc Iulia pentru machiaj si nu numai (!).
For more pictures you can visit InterMedia Studio.

Si daca florile din buchet va par cunoscute sa stiti ca o parte sunt de aici.
If you feel like you`ve seen before these flowers it`s because I used some of them for this.

Si eram gata sa spun ca atat a fost. Dar nu! Mai e ceva. Scrapper in Romania are ca tema de inspiratie pentru provocare Buchetul de mireasa. Sa nu particip si eu cu minunatia aceasta? Cum sa nu?! Asa ca iata inscriu buchetul meu din flori de hartie la Provocarea 19 Scrapper In Romania Vremea nuntilor.
Mi se pare incredibil ca toata lumea care participa la provocare sa primeasca un tichet cadou de 1o lei.
I`ll enter my paper flower bouquet at The Scrapper In Romania 19th Challenege where the theme is Weddings time.

Buun, calde salutari tuturor,
Well, warm hugs,