Saturday, April 28, 2012

Be free

Hello my dear ones! I love your comments, and opinions and visit! Thank you :) For this Saturday evening (almost night) I have these beautiful cards without quilling. Instead of quilling I used some fabric. I enjoy every new material I can use. Buna dragele mele! Ador comentariile voastre, si opiniile si vizita voastra! Multumesc :) Pentru aceasta seara de sambata (aproape noapte) am aceste minunate felicitari fara quilling. In loc de hartie si quilling am folosit niste resturi de material. Ma bucur de fiecare data cand pot folosi un material nou.
My favourite one? Hard to decide between the green and the blue one..... Blue it is. Care e preferata mea? Mi-e greu sa aleg intre cea verde si cea albastra..... Cea albastra e. What`s your favourite technique after quilling? Or material, except paper? Care e tehnica vaostra preferata dupa quilling? Sau material? Cu exceptia hartiei? O super vacanta de 1 mai va doresc! Have a great Sunday, Anca

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nothing is wasted

Da! Nimic de aruncat sau de risipit cand faci felicitari! Asta e frumusetea. Poti folosi orice mesteresti, bucati de carton sau incercari de noi creatii quilling. Mi-am dorit de foarte mult timp sa fac bomboane de ciocolata cu quilling, acum le-am facut... dar sunt departe de maestrii adevarati. Totusi vi le arat pentru ca-mi plac :) Nothing is wasted in the world of cards! This is the beauty. I wanted to make some quilled chocolate candies, and of course I used them on cards... I find myself far from the true masters, yet I`ll show you my work because I like it.
Mi-am propus sa postez mai des, am vazut ca sunt doar DOUA postari pe luna aprilie. I intend to post more often since I saw there are only 2 (TWO!) posts for April. Many hugs and sunny days, Anca

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Yes, I`m here and the Easter holidays are gone and no word from me... I don`t like it but it came up like this, I had no pictures with my easter cards, I was in a hurry so no pictures with the eggs... This is me in April, very different from the one I know.

Da, sunt aici si au trecut Pastile si nici un cuvant din partea mea... Nu-mi place, dar asa au iesit lucrurile, n-am avut nici-o poza cu felicitarile de Pasti, am fost tot pe fuga asa ca n-am facut poze nici cu ouale incondeiate... Aceasta sunt eu in aprilie, foarte diferita de cum ma stiu in restul vremurilor.

I need balance in my work. I`ll have to define balance - it is important to know how it is.
equilibrium / balance / harmony / peace / stability / order + my work = LOVE

Am nevoie de echilibru in munca mea. Incerc sa-mi definesc echilibrul personal - e important pentru mine sa stiu cum arata - asa imi va fi mai usor sa-l obtin.
echilibru / armonie / pace / stabilitate / ordine + munca mea de zi cu zi = IUBIRE

I miss U!!!!
Mi-e dor de voi!!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My beloved Hydrangea

Hello there! How are you, how is your spring? I know you are reading my posts even if you don`t write comments... Same for me: reading your posts and admiring your works but no comments... even if I know how good it feels to read beautiful thoughts about your work.

Now here is this card I`ve made using some tight swirls. First I wanted to make some lilac flowers but they turned out into a hydrangea (I love these flowers).
I`m busy with some wedding invitations. I love this work so much even if sometimes I get sticked on my chair.

As you can see I try all kind of things (and I love this!). Hope you like it!
Thanks for your visit and for your comments.
