Salutare dragii mei dragi! Pentru azi ceva special! Sper sa va placa!
Cand am fost la Viena in vara asta am gasit un obiect gen iconita cu quilling vechi intr-un magazin de antichitati. Era 310 euro (cam mult pentru bugetul nostru). Asa ca i-am facut poze, am discutat cu doamna din magazin si apoi am plecat mai departe... Acum evident ca imi pare rau ca nu am luat-o.
Cred ca fasiile sun facute din alama sau din ceva metalic, dar clar arata ca si quillingul.
Hello my dear ones! For today something special! Hope you like it!
When I was in Vienna this summer I found this old work in an antiques shop. It was 310 euro (too much for our budget). So I took some pictures and moved on...
I believe the strips are made of copper but those old ornaments deffinitely look like quilling. Now I regret I didn`t bought this precious work...
Daca va uitati cu atentie se observa tot felul de forme quilling si se vede si tehnica beehive. Eu am fost impresionata. Sunt curioasa voua cum vi se pare!
If you look careful you`ll notice all kind of shapes, also the beehive technique. I`m curious what you think.
Inca sunt uimita de aceasta intamplare. Viena nu e un oras mic, si dintre toate magazinele de antichitati am nimerit fix acolo unde se afla aceasta mini-iconita cu quilling (nu cred ca imaginaea din centru e originala...). Ea toata imi pare ciudatica insa fasiile acelea pline de praf m-au cucerit!
I still don`t know what to believe about this situation. Vienna is a big city, between all the antiques shops I found exactly the one that had this little work with quilling... The entire work is quite strange but those dusty strips look deffinitely conquered me!
Invitatii pentru nunta, felicitari, flori din hartie si multe alte minunantii. Si putin din placerea mea de a scrie. Asta veti gasi pe blogul meu. Unique wedding invitations, special cards, paper flowers and other beauties. And a little bit from my passion for writing. This is what you`ll find on my blog. CONTACT:
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Invitatii de nunta cu sah / Chess wedding
Iata una dintre invitatiile tematice pe care le-am pregatit pentru Nunta la Palat de la Cluj. Georgiana de la Deco Life are niste idei super originale pentru decor! Cand mi-a spus sa fac un set de papetarie - invitatii, numar de masa si place card - cu tema sah am fost incantata. Am facut mai mult modele, am incercat si sa ilustrez piese de sah cu quilling. Iar cea cu quilling i-a placut cel mai mult! Am avut si alte idei pentru piesele de sah quilling insa mi-a trebuit ceva rapid (stiu, totul e pe repede inainte azi, poate din cauza ca vrem sa incercam mereu muuulte lucruri).
Here is one of the wedding invitations that I`ve prepared for the wedding fair I told you about. Georgiana from Deco Life has some super-mega original ideas! When she asked for a set of wedding invitation, place card and table number with chess theme I was delighted! This is not the only design, but the only one with quilling for thi theme and was the one she prefered. I had some other ides for the chess pieces but there was no time for sophisticatd things (I know, there is always little time in our days - I believe we have too many things we want to try).
Mie imi place foarte mult cum arata si decorul pune atat de frumos in evidenta creatia mea! Aici poze de aparat simplu. E aceeasi lucrare!
I like a lot the way they look and the table decorations makes everything look even more beautiful! Here you can see pictures with my camera. It`s the same work!
Imi plac mult aceste provocari. Si imi place ce iese cand mai multi oameni lucreaza impreuna!
I just love these challenges. And I also love the fruits of good co-working!
happy me :)
Imbratisari din partea unei bucuroase :)
Here is one of the wedding invitations that I`ve prepared for the wedding fair I told you about. Georgiana from Deco Life has some super-mega original ideas! When she asked for a set of wedding invitation, place card and table number with chess theme I was delighted! This is not the only design, but the only one with quilling for thi theme and was the one she prefered. I had some other ides for the chess pieces but there was no time for sophisticatd things (I know, there is always little time in our days - I believe we have too many things we want to try).
Mie imi place foarte mult cum arata si decorul pune atat de frumos in evidenta creatia mea! Aici poze de aparat simplu. E aceeasi lucrare!
I like a lot the way they look and the table decorations makes everything look even more beautiful! Here you can see pictures with my camera. It`s the same work!
Imi plac mult aceste provocari. Si imi place ce iese cand mai multi oameni lucreaza impreuna!
I just love these challenges. And I also love the fruits of good co-working!
happy me :)
Imbratisari din partea unei bucuroase :)
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Dragele mele,
am aflat de curand despre un nou concept care se numeste crowdfunding. Exista si in Romania o platforma, crestem idei, unde pot fi sustinute idei creative care nu pot fi implinite fara bani. Mie imi place foarte mult ideea, impreuna cu o prietena pregatim un proiect pe care sa-l lansam spre sustinere pe acest site. Mai avem insa de lucru pana ce punem toat detaliile la punct. Imi place la nebunie ideea ca oamenii pot dona ca sa sustina crearea unei carti de exemplu!!! E super! :D
Asa ca va invit sa o sustineti pe prietena mea, Maria Surducan, care transforma in roman grafic povesti clasice romanesti. Pentru inceput Praslea cel voinic si merele de aur. Se pot dona sume intre 10 ron si 400 de ron, iar recompensele sunt foarte tentante - carti postale, timbre, carti tiparite, schite sau chiar portrete care va transpun chipul in personaje de banda desenata.
Prin acest post am dorit pur si simplu sa impartasesc cu voi ceva ce-mi place mult, am vrut sa o sustin pe Maria si sa raspandesc vestea acestor posibilitati de a ne implini visele.
Una dintre vederile mele preferate create de Maria. Si pentru mai multe schite si ilustratii merele de aur .
My dear ones,
this is a post where I talk about a Romanian artist, illustrator Maria Surducan. I also promote a web on which crowdfunding is used for making true some creative ideas. Maria transforms classic Romanian tales in a graphic novel and on this website people can support her by giving amounts of money from 3$ to 100$. I just love the fact that people can support beautiful ideas like this!!!
You can see here one of my favorite cards from the ones she creates as a reward for the donnors. There are more rewards - like the entire book on digital or printed support and the greatest one is your portrait transformed into a graphic character. For more drawings you can visit golden apples.
This post is more for my Romanian followers but I thought you would like the idea of crowdfunding that`s why I wrote in English too.
Va salut din lumea mea de basm,
Hugs from my fairy tale world,
am aflat de curand despre un nou concept care se numeste crowdfunding. Exista si in Romania o platforma, crestem idei, unde pot fi sustinute idei creative care nu pot fi implinite fara bani. Mie imi place foarte mult ideea, impreuna cu o prietena pregatim un proiect pe care sa-l lansam spre sustinere pe acest site. Mai avem insa de lucru pana ce punem toat detaliile la punct. Imi place la nebunie ideea ca oamenii pot dona ca sa sustina crearea unei carti de exemplu!!! E super! :D
Asa ca va invit sa o sustineti pe prietena mea, Maria Surducan, care transforma in roman grafic povesti clasice romanesti. Pentru inceput Praslea cel voinic si merele de aur. Se pot dona sume intre 10 ron si 400 de ron, iar recompensele sunt foarte tentante - carti postale, timbre, carti tiparite, schite sau chiar portrete care va transpun chipul in personaje de banda desenata.
Prin acest post am dorit pur si simplu sa impartasesc cu voi ceva ce-mi place mult, am vrut sa o sustin pe Maria si sa raspandesc vestea acestor posibilitati de a ne implini visele.
Una dintre vederile mele preferate create de Maria. Si pentru mai multe schite si ilustratii merele de aur .
My dear ones,
this is a post where I talk about a Romanian artist, illustrator Maria Surducan. I also promote a web on which crowdfunding is used for making true some creative ideas. Maria transforms classic Romanian tales in a graphic novel and on this website people can support her by giving amounts of money from 3$ to 100$. I just love the fact that people can support beautiful ideas like this!!!
You can see here one of my favorite cards from the ones she creates as a reward for the donnors. There are more rewards - like the entire book on digital or printed support and the greatest one is your portrait transformed into a graphic character. For more drawings you can visit golden apples.
This post is more for my Romanian followers but I thought you would like the idea of crowdfunding that`s why I wrote in English too.
Va salut din lumea mea de basm,
Hugs from my fairy tale world,
Sunday, January 20, 2013
A new season of wedding invitations / Un nou sezon cu invitatii handmade
This weekend a gorgeous wedding fair took place in our town. And I was invited to design the invitations, table numbers and place-cards for a wedding decor company Deco Life. They also asked to make an album with some wedding invitation designs. It was a pleasure. For some I used quilling, for some I didn`t, but I like so much the result! So I had a full week preparing new creations. Now... I feel uncomfortable about these events. There is such a waste of materials and even if I like everything people are showing there, sometimes all I feel is I want to go away. Hope I`m not making too much ado about nothing. But this is the way I feel. Yet, wedding invitations are important, and weddings are not possible without them. And people have to find out about me... So here is the album!
In weekendul acesta a fost targul de nunti Nunta la Palat in Cluj. Superb!!! Am fost invitata sa fac invitatii, numere de masa si place carduri de catre cei de la Deco Life. Mi-au cerut si un album cu modele ca sa le arate clientilor. M-am bucurat tare! Pentru unele modele am folosit quilling, pentru altele nu, dar rezultatul este super. Am avut o saptamana plina!
Asa... mai vreau s ava spun ca ma simt cumva ciudat fata de aceste evenimente. Este asa o mare risipa de materiale si chiar daca imi place la nebunie aproape tot ce se prezinta la aceste evenimente uneori simt doar ca as vrea sa plec pur si simplu de acolo. N-as vrea sa par fandosita, dar chiar asta simt. Totusi invitatiile de nunta sunt foarte importante si oamenii trebuie sa afle despre mine. Asa ca aici este albumul!
In weekendul acesta a fost targul de nunti Nunta la Palat in Cluj. Superb!!! Am fost invitata sa fac invitatii, numere de masa si place carduri de catre cei de la Deco Life. Mi-au cerut si un album cu modele ca sa le arate clientilor. M-am bucurat tare! Pentru unele modele am folosit quilling, pentru altele nu, dar rezultatul este super. Am avut o saptamana plina!
Asa... mai vreau s ava spun ca ma simt cumva ciudat fata de aceste evenimente. Este asa o mare risipa de materiale si chiar daca imi place la nebunie aproape tot ce se prezinta la aceste evenimente uneori simt doar ca as vrea sa plec pur si simplu de acolo. N-as vrea sa par fandosita, dar chiar asta simt. Totusi invitatiile de nunta sunt foarte importante si oamenii trebuie sa afle despre mine. Asa ca aici este albumul!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Dreaming of spring - violets for wedding
Here is an old project I found between my pictures. I made this paper flower bouquet as a gift for a client who had the wedding last summer. They look so wonderful and remember me of spring and violets.
I haven`t found yet the perfect way to glue the flowers to the wire stems - I`ve noticed they are soo fragile and they come down from the stems too easy... But I like paper flowers because they last more time comparing with true flowers. The real ones are so delicate and have a special perfume. That`s why we try to reproduce them from paper, isn`t it?!
Iata o lucrare mai veche pe care am gasit-o printre pozele mele. Am facut buchetelul acesta anul trecut, ca si cadou pentru o clienta care a avut nunta in vara. Arata minunat si imi amintesc de primavara si de violete.
Inca nu am gasit metoda perfecta sa lipesc coditele - am observat ca floricelele se desprind destul de usor de pe codita de sarma... Imi plac insa florile de hartie pentru ca rezista foarte mult in timp fata de cele adevarate. Cele adevarate insa au parfum si o delicatete nemaipomenita, nu degeaba le imitam noi, nu?!
I haven`t found yet the perfect way to glue the flowers to the wire stems - I`ve noticed they are soo fragile and they come down from the stems too easy... But I like paper flowers because they last more time comparing with true flowers. The real ones are so delicate and have a special perfume. That`s why we try to reproduce them from paper, isn`t it?!
Iata o lucrare mai veche pe care am gasit-o printre pozele mele. Am facut buchetelul acesta anul trecut, ca si cadou pentru o clienta care a avut nunta in vara. Arata minunat si imi amintesc de primavara si de violete.
Inca nu am gasit metoda perfecta sa lipesc coditele - am observat ca floricelele se desprind destul de usor de pe codita de sarma... Imi plac insa florile de hartie pentru ca rezista foarte mult in timp fata de cele adevarate. Cele adevarate insa au parfum si o delicatete nemaipomenita, nu degeaba le imitam noi, nu?!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
1st anniversary card / Felicitare pentru o prima aniversare
Acum ca este pentru copii neaparat sau pentru alte aniversari secrete, nu va pot spune cu exactitate. Dar se refera clar la un an de ceva aceste felicitari cu cifra 1. Poate fi si pentru numarul unu al inimii mele, sau pentru cel mai bun la ceva, sau, sau, sau...
De acum pana la ziua indragostitilor gasesc cu greu teme pentru felicitari, florile mi se par cumva un vis in perioada aceasta.
Now if this is only for children or for other secret anniversaries, I can't tell you exactly. But these cards with number one, refer clearly to a year of something. Can also be for the number one of my heart, or the best at something, or, or, or ... From now until Valentine's Day I hardly find good themes for my cards, flowers seem so far away during this time.
Iata asadar o felicitare mai feminina.
So here it is a more feminine card.
Iar aici una mai baietoasa.
And here a boyish one.
Si stiu ce este pentru mine acest numar unu. Prima zi de munca, un nou inceput. O prima zi de munca plina de flori, de culoare si de baloane. Asa vreau sa fie toate zilele mele de lucru :).
Va doresc si voua ca in acest an zilele de munca sa fie colorate, si vesele, si infloritoare.
Now I know what these cards mean for me. The number one is for the first day of work, for a new beginning. A 2013 first day of work full of flowers, and colors, and ballons. This is how I want to be all my working days :).
And I wish, this year, all your working days be colourful, cheerful and flourishing.
De acum pana la ziua indragostitilor gasesc cu greu teme pentru felicitari, florile mi se par cumva un vis in perioada aceasta.
Now if this is only for children or for other secret anniversaries, I can't tell you exactly. But these cards with number one, refer clearly to a year of something. Can also be for the number one of my heart, or the best at something, or, or, or ... From now until Valentine's Day I hardly find good themes for my cards, flowers seem so far away during this time.
Iata asadar o felicitare mai feminina.
So here it is a more feminine card.
Iar aici una mai baietoasa.
And here a boyish one.
Si stiu ce este pentru mine acest numar unu. Prima zi de munca, un nou inceput. O prima zi de munca plina de flori, de culoare si de baloane. Asa vreau sa fie toate zilele mele de lucru :).
Va doresc si voua ca in acest an zilele de munca sa fie colorate, si vesele, si infloritoare.
Now I know what these cards mean for me. The number one is for the first day of work, for a new beginning. A 2013 first day of work full of flowers, and colors, and ballons. This is how I want to be all my working days :).
And I wish, this year, all your working days be colourful, cheerful and flourishing.
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