Monday, July 14, 2014

Sunflower quilled jewelry / Bijuterii quilling cu floarea soarelui

Se pare ca postez ceva nou odata cu fiecare anotimp care vine. Ma pregateam sa va spun ca vai ce frumoasa este vara si mi-am dat seama ca data trecuta am vorbit despre primavar :)
Muncim in atelier la invitatii de nunta, numere de masa si meniuri si nu pot spune ca am foarte multe lucruri noi de postat, se pare ca latura mea creativa se odihneste o vreme...
Am vrut sa va arat ceva nou si m-am gandit ca v-ar placea aceste bijuterii quilling cu floarea soarelui. Au un aer vintage si imi plac destul de mult. Le-am facut ca si cadou pentru o clienta care a comandat invitatii cu floarea soarelui.

It seems like I post new things only when the seasons are changing. My last post had a spring theme and now here I`m with a post which I wanted to start talking about summer :)
We are working in the studio at wedding invitations, table numbers and menus, and things seems to be repeating so my creative side is waiting... 
I was looking for something new to post and I thought you would like these sunflower quilled jewelry. They have a vintage air with that bronze, but I quite like them. I made them as a gift for a client who bought sunflower invitations.

I enjoy making these round circles from many paper strips and I just love the minimalist look of the sunflower!
Imi place asa de mult sa fac cercurile acestea din multe, multe fasii de hartie si imi place atat de mult aspectul minimalist al florilor de soare!
There are many flowers that can be made in this way. Just love minimalism!
Sunt o gramada de flori care pot fi facute in acest stil. Ador minimalismul!
Enjoy summer,
Sa va bucurati de vara,
Anca :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lily of the Valley wedding invitation / Invitatie de nunnta cu lacramioare

Spring is here, or it`s almost gone?! Lily of the Valley was all over the town, at every corner, sold by old ladies or by gipsy ladies. And I love them so much that I wish they never abandon this activity :)

Nici nu mai stiu daca e primavara sau daca s-a si terminat! Cred ca ati vazut si voi tantile batrane sau femeile rrome cu lacramioare la colturi de strada. Imi plac atat de mult incat mi-as dori sa fie intotdeauna cineva cu flori de vanzare la coltul strazii :)

This season I had a special client who wanted wedding invitations with Lily of the Valley. Now, that was a challenge because I wanted something delicate and beautiful yet strong and resistant.

O clienta foarte deosebita mi-a cerut anul acesta invitatii cu lacramioare. Si a fost o mare provocare pentru ca vroiam sa creez ceva delicat si totusi rezistent.

I came up with two designs, many color combos and she chose this:
I-am propus doua modele si mai multe variatii de culoare, iar ea a ales acest model:

I`ve noticed that my clients request bring out of my head the most beautiful creations and no matter how much I create new designs, the ones that they suggest will always be the best ones!
Am observat ca propunerile clientilor mei scot din mine cele mai frumoase creatii si indiferent cat de mult creez eu singura modele noi, cele sugerate de ei sunt intotdeauna cele mai bune!

I like everything about these invitations - the green of the cardstock (a little bit pearlescent), how it goes with the ribbon, the embossing pattern, the delicate stem and of course, the delicate and beautiful lilies of the valley.
Imi place totul la invitatiile acestea - nuanta de verde a cartonului (e putin sidefat), cum se potriveste cu panglica verde, modelul embosat, tulpina delicate si bineinteles minunatele lacramioare stilizate.

I am not very active with blogging... as there are so many wonderful things happening in my life that the blog is now somewhere at the end of the list...
De multa vreme blogging-ul este in capatul listei si nu prea am activat cu postari noi... asta din cauza ca in viata mea se petrec tot felul de lucruri minunate si nu mai am timp pentru toate... dar poate si pentru ca realizand invitatii multe mi se pare ca nu e chiar atat de interesant pentru voi.

Enjoy your quilling and keep creating with passion!
Savurati la maxim quilling pe care-l faceti si creati mereu cu pasiune!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Invitatii rustice cu floarea soarelui / Burlap sunflower wedding invitations

Dragii mei, am disparut de atata vreme din aceasta lume a blogurilor... Dar am continuat sa creez modele noi de invitatii si am lucrat la comenzi si am rasucit si lipit mult, mult de tot.
Postez azi un model de invitatie cu floarea soarelui si cu panza de sac. Arata tare frumos impreuna, iar cartonul maro inchis (nu e negru, e maro foarte inchis) duce spre o nunta de toamna.

My dear friends, there is so much time since I`ve been away from this world of blogging... But I worked on orders and I assemmbled many coils and petals and centers and so on...
Here I am with a burlap sunflower invitatio. All the elements look so beautiful together, and the brown card (it is dark brown, not  black) brings such an autumns air.

Am facut invitatiile acestea anul trecut, dupa cererile si sugestiile unei cliente. De multe ori ideile clientilor duc la niste produse extraordinare!
I made these invitations last year, at the requests of a client. The ideas of the clients often bring so fantastic designs!

Daca ar fi sa ma casatoresc acum, mi-ar fi tare greu sa aleg din multitudinea de culori!
I`m already married but if I had to choose the invitations for me wedding now it would be very difficult for me to choose from so many colors!

Am facut muuulte, aici numai cateva.
Here only a few from the many that I made.

Anca :)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Invitatii de botez cu picioruse / Baby little feet Christening invitations

Am inceput anul acesta cu lucrari vesele, colorate, pentru botezul unei fetite.
Culori vii, picioruse roz, panglica organza, ce poate fi mai minunat si mai dulce?
We started this year with colourful and happy creations, for a little girl`s Christening.
Vivid colors, pink little feet, organza ribbon, it`s just sweet and wonderful!

Combinatia roz cu verde mi se pare atat de frumoasa! Este si feminina si vesela si aduce a note de primavara. Iar simbolul picioruselor mi se pare atat de special pentru inceputul unei noi vieti :)
I just love this combo, pink and green! It`s so beautiful and feminine and happy, it makes me dream of spring. And the little feet it`s such a beautiful symbol for the beginning of a new life :)

Meniuri asortate.
Assorted menus.

La multi ani!
Happy new year!