Handmade Wedding Invitations / Invitatii de nunta handmade

Vedeti aici toate postarile cu teme potrivite pentru nunta/ View here all wedding themes from my blog

Playing with paper and cards brought me closer to this field - the weddings. It`s a very special day, and the most important thing is to find what suits you best: the dress, the invitations, the wedding theme.
Jucandu-ma cu hartia am ajuns mai aproape de acest domeniu al invitatiilor de nunta. Este o zi speciala si cel mai importnat pentru aceasta zi este sa gasiti ceea ce vi se potriveste cel mai bine: rochia, invitatiile, nunta intreaga sa fie asa cum va doriti.

Camee inseamna frumuste, eleganta, delicatete / Cameo means beauty and elegance

cititi mai multe... cameo wedding invitation

Invitatii de nunta cu candelabru/ Chandelier wedding theme

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Chandelier wedding theme 2

Invitatii cu floarea soarelui / Sunflower wedding invitations

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Paper wedding bouquet / Buchet din hartie

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Sunflower wedding invitation 2/ Invitatii cu floarea soarelui 2

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  1. amazing.. i am a big fan of quilling and u have done a wonderful job !!

  2. Everything is so beautiful and I wonder how did I missed your creations(not anymore,from now on). aureliaeugenia

  3. Very impressive! I was sure blown away with these excellent work you've done with these wedding invitations, very ideal! But as usual, you always have the best designs when it comes to wedding invitation touches! Pretty inspiring!

  4. sunt foarte frumoase....in quilling imaginatie este limita...si tu nu ai limita...;) keep up the good work...
