Friday, December 20, 2013

Angel card 3 / Felicitare cu inger 3

White and blue for today! And golden angels!

Alb si albastru pentr azi! Si aceieasi ingerasi aurii!

Angel card 2 / Felicitare cu inger 2

Salutare din nou!
Iata acelasi fel de ingerasi pe carton mov si alb :)
Cred ca mov e o culoare neobisnuita pentru Craciun dar ador culoarea asta asa ca nu m-am putut abtine!

Hi there!
Here are the same golden angels on purple and white :)
I consider purple an unusual color for Christmas but I love purple so I couldn`t help myself!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Angel card / Felicitare cu inger

Buna dragi prieteni! V-am spus ca o sa postez mai des zilele acestea pentru ca am facut cateva felicitari de Craciun.
Am folosit hartie natur si niste ingerasi quilling aurii. Sunt tare dragalasi! O sa revin cu alte culori :)

Hello again! I told you I`ll post more often these days since I made a few Christmas cards.
Golden quilled angels and natur paper! I just love this combo! I`ll come back with other colors :)


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Winter card / Felicitare de iarna

Dragii mei,
in ultima vreme am neglijat blogul. Asta nu pentru ca nu am facut quilling, dimpotriva am facut sute de flori si multe alte minunatii, insa au fost mai mult creatii de serie.
O sa incep acum o serie de postari cu felicitari de Craciun. Cu timpul, pentru ca procesul sa fie mai rapid, am inceput sa repet un tipar, insa ma incapatanez sa nu fac doua felicitari la fel.
Pentru azi, iata niste fulgusori albastri pe un fundal alb, cu emboss care imita lemnul. Sunt tare delicati si frumusei, poate, poate vor aduce si zapada!

My dear friends,
Lately I neglected my blog. That`s not because I abbandoned quilling, on the contrary I made a lot of flowers and all kind of wonderful things, but they are creations of series. 
Today I`ll start posting some Christmas cards. Even I repeat the general design, I do my best and I try to put something different on each one. 
For today, a blue snowflake on white embossed background that looks like wood. They look so delicate!

I wish you wonderful days this time around Christmas,
Sa aveti parte de zile minunate acum, in preajma Craciunului,

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Baby cards / Invitatii botez

I`ve made these long time ago, I believe they are already sold. Looking for some pictures I found them and I was surprised by my own work. It feels so good to see my old work and to find it beautiful and wonderful.
Hope it`s not just a phase!

Wishing you woderful quilling moments!
Anca :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Autumn quilling card / Felicitare de toamna

Dear friends,

it`s September and look what I`ve made! I have an entire box of leaves like the ones I used for this autumn cards, so I just picked a few and started to play with colors.
I just love and enjoy so much playing with colors!
Here are the cards!
I`m curious which one is your favorite! My husband loves the first one, with raffia and I preffer the one with red leaf on a green base.



Dragi prieteni, este toamna, este septembrie si iata ce felicitari am creat! Am o cutie intreaga cu astfel de frunze, facute cred de acum 2 ani (!), asa ca am ales cateva, m-am jucat cu culorile si am facut aceste felicitari de toamna. Imi place asa de mult sa ma joc cu nuantele, cu culorile! Care este preferata voastra? Sotul meu o prefera pe cea cu rafie si mie imi place cea cu verde si cu frunza rosie.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sunflower Thank You card / Felicitari cu floarea soarelui

!Anunt important!

Am primit de curand pe adresa de mail mesaje cu intrebari legate de pretul invitatiilor, dupa ce le-am deschis si le-am citit au disparut si nu am reusit sa le mai recuperez. Daca mi-ati scris si nu v-am raspuns in 24 de ore va rog sa imi scrieti din nou sa va pot trimite detaliile.
Va multumesc :)


I received these days messages with questions about the price of the invites. I don`t know how it happened but after reading them they were lost and I couldn`t answer anymore. If you wrote me an email and you haven`t received an answer in 24 hours please write me again.
Thank you :)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Cobalt and sunflower invitation

My dear friends,
I have to confess I feel guilty because I post only wedding invitations lately, especially with sunflower, but this is what I do these days...
When I started quilling I`d never thought I`ll get here, running an etsy shop and having so many clients who search for my sunflower invitations. But this is what happened and even if there are many ideas and projects that I begun... the quilled sunflowers keep coming.

So, for today, a new design, with one of my sunflowers, put on different colors. I believe cobalt and sunflower is a strong combo and that cobalt keeps haunting my mind. Just imagine a wedding with elegant, cobalt accents, beige and yellow flowers or sunflower.

I tried the same flower on green and brown too. Take a look.

The green and cobalt combo are my favorite!

This is my quilling from these days, I`ll try some autumn themes and I tried some daisy themes too, but I`ll show that in my next post.

Hope you like them, and hope you quilling makes you happy!

Anca :)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Burlap sunflower invitation / Invitatie cu floarea soarelui rustica

Now, which one is your favorite? I prefer the one with burlap and the one with orange raffia. I used the same recycled cardstock for all the designs, actually it`s the same card and the same flower I only changed the ribbon.

How is your summer? I enjoy these days, I enjoy reading and I enjoy the good light that helps me take beautiful pictures!

Here they are...

Burlap and sunflower invitation
Beige satin ribbon and sunflower invitation
 Yellow satin ribbon and sunflower invitation
 Orange raffia and sunflower invitation

Hope you like them,
even if they look natural it took me a while until I arrived here.

Anca :)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Yellow and grey wedding table numbers

Hello friends! Lately I`m more and more aware about the importance of colors in the creations I see. For my creations the only rules are: I have to like the combination and sometimes I have to use some materials I have or some colors that a client wants. How do you choose the colors that you use? Do you know the theories?   Now, here is this combo that I like so very much. I made it last summer and I just love the way green and yellow look on gray. The same piece can look so different in various colors and shades! It`s amazing!

Salutare fetelor! In ultima vreme acord tot mai multa taentie culorilor pe care le vad in diferite creatii. Pentru creatiile mele, singurele reguli: trebuie sa-mi fie pe plac combinatia si uneori trebuie sa folosesc niste materiale pe care le am sau niste culori pe care clinetii le cer. Voi cum alegeti culorile pe care le folositi? Stiti teoriile?
Asa ca, iata o combinatie care imi place foarte, foarte mult! Am facut vara trecuta numerele acestea si imi place asa de mult cum mereg verdele si galbenul cu gri. Aceeasi creatie poate arata cu totul altfel daca sunt folosite culori diferite! Mi se pare uimitor!

Va imbratisez si multumesc pentru vizita :)
Warm hugs and thank you for your visit!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Hello there! :) How are your days? What plans for the summer? I plan to make some paper bouquets.
Looking for pictures to show you I realize you little quilling I`ve made lately. 
I found this wedding album through the pictures and I decided to put it here.

Hello dragi prieteni! :) Ce mai faceti? Ce planuri aveti pentru vara? Eu vreau neaparat sa fac niste buchete din flori de hartie.
Cautand printre poze cava interesant de postat am descoperit ca n-am mai facut quilling adevarat de multa vreme.Am gasit albumul acesta printre pozele de care va spuneam si m-am hotarat sa-l afisez :)
Va imbratisez cu drag!