Monday, September 17, 2012

Invitatie cu floarea soarelui / Sunflower wedding ivitation

A trecut un an de cand am facut primele invitatii de nunta si in acest timp am facut o multime de flori. Mai ales floarea soarelui! Iata inca un model pe care nu vi l-am prezentat, foarte drag mie.
It`s been an year from my first wedding invitations and during this time I`ve made a lot of flower. Especially sunflowers! Here is another sunflower quilling design which I didn`t show you. This flower is so dear to me!

Ceea ce fac imi da foarte multa satisfactie, dar uneori este atat de epuizant si de solicitant! Foarte interesant cum nimic din ceea ce facem nu este intotdeauna usor!
What I make brings so much joy, but sometimes the same work is so exhausting! Nothing is really so easy at it seems!

Si mai tineti minte floarea soarelui pe care am plantat-o in gradina? A inflorit luna aceasta :)
And, do you remember the sunflower from my garden? This month I saw its first flowers :)


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Numar de masa mov si verde / Wedding table number purple and green

Here I am again! I am very happy to post these menus and table numbers because it`s my favorite color combo - purple and green!

Iata-ma din nou! Sunt foarte incantata de acest post cu numere de masa si meniuri pentru ca este combinatia mea preferata de culori - verde si mov!

These table numbers and menus are assorted with the invitations (made in a rush, I have poor pictures of them).
Here is a sample of invitation - no text inside. This was the final combo. Just love it!!!

Numerele si meniurile acestea sunt asortate cu invitatiile (pe care le-am facut in graba asa ca nu am poze foarte grozave).
Iata o mostra a invitatiei - fara text. A fost varianta finala. Imi place la nebunie!!!

Whishing you a glorious September ;)
Va doresc un septembrie plin de roade ;)