This weekend a gorgeous wedding fair took place in our town. And I was invited to design the invitations, table numbers and place-cards for a wedding decor company
Deco Life. They also asked to make an album with some wedding invitation designs. It was a pleasure. For some I used quilling, for some I didn`t, but I like so much the result! So I had a full week preparing new creations. Now... I feel uncomfortable about these events. There is such a waste of materials and even if I like everything people are showing there, sometimes all I feel is I want to go away. Hope I`m not making too much ado about nothing. But this is the way I feel. Yet, wedding invitations are important, and weddings are not possible without them. And people have to find out about me... So here is the album!
In weekendul acesta a fost targul de nunti Nunta la Palat in Cluj. Superb!!! Am fost invitata sa fac invitatii, numere de masa si place carduri de catre cei de la
Deco Life. Mi-au cerut si un album cu modele ca sa le arate clientilor. M-am bucurat tare! Pentru unele modele am folosit quilling, pentru altele nu, dar rezultatul este super. Am avut o saptamana plina!
Asa... mai vreau s ava spun ca ma simt cumva ciudat fata de aceste evenimente. Este asa o mare risipa de materiale si chiar daca imi place la nebunie aproape tot ce se prezinta la aceste evenimente uneori simt doar ca as vrea sa plec pur si simplu de acolo. N-as vrea sa par fandosita, dar chiar asta simt. Totusi invitatiile de nunta sunt foarte importante si oamenii trebuie sa afle despre mine. Asa ca aici este albumul!